Natalie Denton
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readMay 17, 2021


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash


A Digital Marketing Strategy is a plan or sort of action, for achieving set marketing goals. These goals are set in order of priority and what your business objectives are. Once the goals are set, digital marketing campaigns will be developed and executed to achieve them. A digital marketing strategy is quite different from a digital marketing campaign. Digital marketing strategy can be referred to, as a master plan or a blueprint to achieve a long-term or macro goal while Campaigns. On the other hand are the specific tactics used to achieve short-term or micro-goals within the digital marketing strategy.


Digital Marketing Strategy is so important as a plan to achieve any goal in daily life. It highly develops the workflow implementation, allowing high efficacy, while overlooking different areas to evaluate data analytics and acting upon them correspondingly.

It makes the way for regular improvement in the several digital marketing strategies, varying from search marketing (SEO/SEM), conversion rate optimization, social media marketing & email marketing. To build towards your business goals, acquiring new customers and making stronger relationships with existing ones.

Your business also requires a competitive and feasible content marketing strategy, to reach and convert more customers through imposing on the power of online content, while joining the different digital marketing platforms with traditional media.


  1. Understand Your Audience

To develop a digital marketing strategy, first of all you have to understand your valuable audience. Who is buying your product and the way to reach them on widely used channels. It is called a buyer persona, and it’s key to determining your valuable customer.

  1. Recognize Your Goals and How to Achieve Them

The second step is to find out what benchmarks you desire to achieve and how to measure them. The advertising method is very effective for reaching various demographics. The marketing strategy should be strong and multilayered. That has clear benchmarks for each step.

  1. Begin Your Content Strategy

Original content is the key to a strong marketing strategy. Because you need a thing to pull your audience back to your website and social media platforms daily. Most of the top companies have a blogging specialist, to post articles on a dedicated company website, with links to purchase opportunities, and then re-post these contents on their top social media platforms.

  1. Examine The Top Channels

The next step is to determine the top social media channels and figure out which to prioritize based, on your demographics and your content. Facebook is an ideal social media channel for posting detailed content and skews older.

  1. Optimize Your Website

When you are going to optimize your website so make it sure, your website should be mobile-friendly, because studies show that, a majority of the customers are making purchases on their smartphone.

  1. Set Up Your Customer Service Availability

It’s important that customer service should be available at all hours of the day. Because most of the customers with questions want to reach you immediately. Facebook messenger system makes it easy for immediate contact. Many companies are automating their customer service efforts with chatbots.

  1. Check Your Benchmarks

Once your digital marketing strategy is set up, let it work until it’s time for your first check-in, using the top statistical software then, you gain access to when working with a digital marketing agency. Before you analyze your statistics, it’s essential to know where you stand in comparison to your competitors and their marketplace, including your strengths and weaknesses.

At the start of a digital marketing strategy, it’s key to knock out timed benchmarks to review your success and to revise your strategy.



Natalie Denton
Nerd For Tech

content writer, social media expert, email marketing expert