Don’t let your past influence your present or future

If you ever wonder why I did or can do it, Just halt your mind.

Sparsh Gupta
Nerd For Tech
5 min readMar 29, 2021


In our life, we all make decisions at some point, whether harsh one or lose one from deciding to holding someone hands forever to buying your favourite burrito. Decisions sometimes are really easy and sometimes becomes a pain or headache for your life.

Our life is based on decisions or more simply it’s a combination of decisions that decide our life’s formation or How will you gonna living it ??. for answering it totally depends on life’s phase. Every individual life has a Past, Present and Future.

Today’s individual or millennials problems are mostly due to their past and not overcoming from that part of the life which is creating a disruption in the current scenario whether in Relationships, business, or stability of your mind in the present

If you are obsessed with memories of past more than 12 months old most of any type positive or anxiety-provoking, then you stuck in the past, what that’s mean you didn't map the territories well enough, then your part of brain system are alarm systems, anxiety systems saying No, No….nope there are holes to you looking into the world and you fell in once and you don’t where they are, you don’t know how to walk around them and you can’t forget them, then you have recurring memories. if memories are full of anxiety your body will start shivering, like an emergency that could happen again and you haven't fixed. and if memories are good, then your body will start making an ecosystem to comfort your body every time and this will start again recurring memories, then your alarm system of the body will never allow you to leave this state for taking any other steps or decisions for the greater good for yourself.

Because the alarm system doesn't care, when your smoke alert system says your house in the fire it’s a bad thing, that’s like our anxiety alarm systems, if your tagging with your old memories with anxiety, then you have to do something about it, our alarm systems just tells about the memories are wrong and you gonna tortured by them forever, that’s how are alarm systems works, then you need to clean about them .then you will think “Okay, How did this happen “, you don’t need to put you in these vulnerable positions. the best you can do to strengthen yourself, that’s good, if your old memory is about at childhood, then your not a child now, you can deal with it. you have some variety of techniques, if it came up now, your brain can update because you are no more person anymore.

Let’s Consider a stage where there are 2 points A, B and you decide to go from A to B, and you don’t know whether it’s a good path or a bad way to reach the A to B maybe it will be slighter better one than previous, you don’t know, but here is the thing when your body wanted to know something, it gives you a positive feeling and it’s good.

Here is thing our positive emotion systems works on neurochemical system ,In which nervous system releases chemical called dopamine,which is the reason our body feels positive or happy.

And Now let’s consider path A to B, but there is an object or hurdle in between in a path as our mind saws any hurdle in our way of looking, then what we need to do think about it them and evaluate them and decide act on them, but what we actually do rarely and slowly

and then there some peoples in which their’s heart get attached to that time or broken from past. for those individuals, memories can be either good or heartbreaking. but when you start making decisions on older relationship, their situation starts corroding, and you will realise after damaged happened to both of them, and you will start noticing the pattern is formed, every time you decide relationship based on past relations, from starting to end. Our brain likes dopamine a.k.a happiness state to remain, but it forgets the reality from your memories. We wanted a perfect plan without any disruptions that’s how brains look to the real world but when it meets hurdles, anxiety and complexity of the problem, then it tries to lose your calm for a momentarily period of time. that’s why living in past can give the brain a calmness for a period of time, and our brain will get into habitat and it will create a Capsule which is bonding you to know to other life past the capsule comfort wall but at the situation will be messed up or any hurdles came up which can break your wall and will lead to a breakdown, In that situation, you will don’t how to overcome the grey area and then it will hold you to overcome or find a way because your mind doesn't want to break the melodious memories for any discomfort.

Your relationships will never become healthy as you wanted, because of your past experiences, it will create a recurring image on every relation and at a point, it will become a nightmare for you. Starting will be like a fairy tale but the ending can be horrific depending on past experiences. Taking decisions on past relationships may cause more damage to you, than giving you an ecstatic feeling. let’s be honest it’s not a reality show or movie in which at last everything worked out, No. it’s reality, it’s a fricking rollercoaster and past decisions will definitely backfire you in the present phase.

You’re no more the person you was in the past, you‘re different and will be different tomorrow, you need to start looking to move forward and try to resolve the situations .for eg you can study about bigger financial institutions how they overcame their past mistakes to have a better future .past is only for experiences for your future, it shouldn't recurring memories which continuously disputing the normal tendency of your mind.

“Don’t let your past to blackmail your present, to row into a beautiful future.”

For references and reading about this situation, I will suggest Listening to youtube videos and reading the books from the clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson. He is one of the most profounding personality for addressing these general issues

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Thanks for reading !! see in next article.

