Few things that you are probably getting wrong about why Flutter uses Dart.
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5 min readAug 15, 2024
More and more often, I would get emails about why people think Google choose Dart for Flutter. It seems, most of those articles written by people who just joined the Flutter crowd and did not follow Dart’s evolution from the very beginning. So, as a person who followed it from pretty much day one, I decided to write a few lines about why, do I think, Google preferred to use Dart to any other alternatives.
1. Dart was designed for the UI development and that is why it was chosen for Flutter.
WRONG. Dart was developed as an alternative to JavaScript to run in the Browser, and thus, the main goals were:
- To be able to compile it as fast as possible: When the browser loads the page, it cannot perform any scripted actions until the JavaScript (or in our case Dart) is fully loaded and interpreted/compiled. And for huge enterprise applications, it is especially critical. So, the Dart, besides JavaScript, is the only language that was designed with that goal in mind. This is what allows Flutter to have its superior “Hot reloading” feature.
- To be as performant as JavaScript: Back then, JavaScript was already fast enough so there was no critical goal to make it faster, though it is something…