Finding Winning Stocks with Web Scrapers, and Serverless (Python, AWS Lambda, and DynamoDB)


Photo by William Iven on Unsplash

A few friends and I chat about stocks, share ideas, and encourage each other. A few months ago, I realized we needed some automation to help us find winners. I chose to use a serverless solution to build this system.

There are many good stocks and finding them takes time. We can find them by reading articles, using stock tools, getting tips from Twitter, and many other ways. With so many ways to find stock candidates, we needed to define the process.

Finding a Screener

We decided was a good source to start our automation. One of our team members is a good stock analyst. He created a screener that we used for a long while.

Example FinViz Screener

Creating a Web Scraper

After a while, we noticed we were forgetting to check this screener. That is when automation became handy. I wrote a Python web scraper using BeautifulSoup to get the top 10 stock symbols from the screener.

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup



Miguel A. Calles · Serverless CISO
Serverless is Cool

Author of Mastering AWS Serverless · AWS Community Builder · Specializing in CMMC, SOC 2, serverless & engineering.