Flutter: A chat app in flutter using a Socket.IO service
Flutter has very quickly found its way to the topmost choice for a mobile app development framework. It is undoubtedly very neat, expressive, flexible & fast. There is plenty of prebuilt packages available to create almost any type of layout in flutter.
In this tutorial, I will help you create a chat app in flutter that communicates with a Socket.IO chat service written in NodeJs.
- Download & install OpenJDK 1.8. Unfortunately, JDK 1.8 is expected for flutter to build Android apps.
- Download & install flutter. This step will also guide you to download and/or configure:
a) Dart: Dart comes bundled with flutter and does not need to installed explicitly.
b) Android Studio
c) Android Emulator - Make sure flutter is configured successfully for Android by running “flutter doctor” in command window.
$ flutter doctor
Step#1: Create new Flutter application
Launch Android Studio and create a new flutter application (steps here). I have created an application “chat-app”. This step can be done in VS Code as well with the help of flutter extension.
Step#2: Create a Chat Window.
The HomePage of my app accepts a username before taking the user to the chat page. This is to simulate a real world scenario where the user is associated with a username. This username is forwarded to the chat widget.
To create the chat widget, I am using a flutter_chat_bubble package for message bubbles.
I have created a StatefulWidget Chat. It maintains a state variable ‘messages’ which enlists all the messages in the chat. I am showing the messages inside bubbles using a ListView. The bubble appears on the right if the current user is the sender else on the left.
Note: ‘widget.user’ holds the username of the user.
Let us verify if the app works so far.
Step#3: Setup a Socket.IO chat service
I am running this chat-service in my local. I am also using ngrok to tunnel from a public URL to this service. This service:
- Opens web-socket connections @ http://localhost:3000/
- Listens to new messages @ channel ‘chat’.
- Broadcasts new messages to channel ‘newChat’.
- Broadcasts all old messages to channel ‘allChats’ on new connection.
Step#4: Configure Socket.IO client
I am using socket_io_client package to connect to the Socket.IO service.
I will init the Socket.IO connection on widget initState and disconnect on the widget dispose.
- It connects to the ngrok public url which tunnels to my local service.
- It listens to ‘newChat’ channel for new messages and adds to ‘messages’ state variable upon arrival.
- It listens to ‘allChats’ channel for all old messages and adds them to ‘messages’ state variable upon arrival.
Finally, we introduce an onPressed handler ‘_sendMessage’ for the send message button. In this method, we will emit any new message by the user to the channel ‘chat’. Any chat message is expected (by the chat-service) to have 4 properties: message, sender, recipient & time.
Step#5: Run and Verify
I am running this app in android emulator. I am also connecting to the chat-service using a socket.io client tool to simulate the messaging.