Flutter Developer — The Roadmap to Success in 7 steps

Filip Doganowski
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2023

Are you looking to become a successful Flutter Developer? Flutter is an open-source mobile app development framework created by Google, offering an excellent development experience for building cross-platform apps. It’s essential to know where to start and what resources are available. In this article, I will provide a Flutter learning roadmap to guide you toward success based on my personal experience.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

1. Learn Dart

Dart is the programming language used to develop Flutter apps. Before diving into Flutter, it’s crucial to have a good understanding of Dart. Dart is modern and easy to learn, and there are several resources available, including official documentation, online courses, and books.

Once you’re comfortable, Exercism is a fun platform to test your skills. Additionally, you can try out DartPad, which allows you to experiment with the language in a browser-based environment.

2. Flutter Basics

The next step is to learn the basics of Flutter. It would help if how to use Flutter’s widgets, which are the building blocks of Flutter apps. Widgets are reusable components that allow you to create a beautiful and interactive user interface. You’ll also need to learn how to use the Flutter layout system, which enables you to position widgets on the screen.

There are several resources available to help you learn the basics of Flutter, including the official Flutter documentation, online courses, and books. Some of my recommendations are Kilo Loco’s youtube playlist #30DaysOfFlutter or Angela Yu’s Udemy course.

3. Connect with a backend

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After learning the basics of Flutter, it’s important to learn how to connect your app with a backend. Firebase is a popular backend solution that works well with Flutter and is often the first choice since both Flutter and Firebase were created by Google. Firebase provides several services, including authentication, cloud storage, and a real-time database, that can help you build robust and scalable apps.

Of course, you could start with another service of your liking like AWS Amplify or MongoDB, just don’t try to learn all of them at once.

4. Discover packages from Pub.dev

One of the significant advantages of using Flutter is the vast ecosystem of packages available on pub.dev, which is Flutter’s official package repository. Packages can save developers a lot of time and effort by providing ready-made solutions to common problems, such as handling HTTP requests, using animations, and working with databases.

When using packages from pub.dev, it is essential to check the package’s quality and popularity to ensure that it is reliable and actively maintained. Additionally, it is good practice to understand how the package works under the hood to avoid any potential issues or bugs that may arise. Overall, utilizing packages from pub.dev can significantly boost development productivity and help you build better apps faster.

5. Master state management

Mastering state management is an essential step in becoming a successful Flutter developer. Flutter offers several state management options, including setState, Provider, Redux, Riverpod, BLoC, and others. It’s important to choose one that fits your needs and master it.

In my experience, I highly recommend the BLoC pattern for state management in Flutter. BLoC pattern provides a clear separation between business logic and presentation layers, making it easier to manage and test your code. Additionally, the BLoC pattern is scalable and can handle complex state management scenarios. By mastering state management with BLoC, you’ll be able to build more powerful and flexible apps with Flutter.

6. Build your app

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Creating your app can be a great way to put your new Flutter skills to use and keep yourself motivated. You may have an idea for an app that you want to bring to life or have noticed a gap in the market where an app could be improved. Building an app that you need or improving an existing app that lacks something can be a great way to stay motivated and focused on your learning journey.

Remember, creating an app takes time and effort, so don’t be afraid to start small and build upon it over time. You can start by building a simple prototype and gradually add features as you become more confident with Flutter.

7. Continuous Learning

Learning Flutter is an ongoing process. Even after you’ve built several apps, there’s always more to learn. Flutter is constantly evolving, and new features and improvements are being added all the time. To stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Flutter, you should join the Flutter community, attend conferences and meetups, and follow Flutter blogs and podcasts.

In conclusion, Flutter is an excellent choice for developers who want to create beautiful and performant apps for multiple platforms. By following this Flutter learning roadmap, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful developer. Remember to start with the basics, learn advanced topics, build real-world apps, and continue to learn and grow as a Flutter developer. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve great success.

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Filip Doganowski
Nerd For Tech

Passionate Flutter Developer, Project Manager and Content Creator, visit my website: https://flutterdog.com