Get to know Docker Toolbox

Nimesha Jinarajadasa
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2020

Have you ever faced the problem, “This code works on my system but not in my colleague’s system”.

I have encountered this many times in my software engineering career. Let’s think about the software development life cycle and where does docker really acts? It presents in the entire life cycle but mainly works in Deployment phase.

Docker in Software development life cycle

Every software engineer’s wish is to make the code works in an intended way on every possible platform. Today’s software products are not just few lines of codes. It is a mix of number of Front end components, Back-end components, Database, Libraries and hundreds of dependencies. So, as engineers, we need to ensure that all these components are working on every possible platform in correct way.

Here the Docker comes handy. Docker is the world’s leading software container platform which solves almost all the headaches related to the software deployment. Docker uses “container” concept to make the software deployment easier than before. Containers allow developers to package all the application parts, dependencies and libraries as one package and docker will take care of shipping this container to different types of platforms in standard way.

Now software engineers do not need to worry about how this application will deploy on different platforms. They can only focus on developing the code base for the application and package all the libraries,dependencies into a docker container.

Let’s talk more about the docker container and its architecture in near future. Let me show you how to install the docker properly in your machine.

first your machine needs to fulfill some of the requirements to install latest docker desktop.

You need to have windows 10:64bit machine which is having build version 1703 or later one. When i was trying to install, it was failed due to that my machine has windows 10 , 1607 build version which is too old for Docker desktop ( latest docker version ). Therefore, i was focusing on installing Docker tool box (V 19.03.1) which is the earlier version.

Please find docker toolbox release here.

Install the docker tool box with default settings by clicking next. You will get Docker toolbox, Virtual box and Kitematic at the end of the installation.

To verify your installation,

Double click the Docker Quickstart and it will launch the docker toolbox terminal.

Try out below command for now.

docker run hello-world

if you get the below kind of output, then your installation is okay to proceed.

Now you have installed docker tool box and i recommend all of you to install docker desktop if you have latest windows build version. Let’s talk more about how docker works and its architecture from beginning in upcoming articles. Make your comments, suggestions and ideas regarding the post. thank you.



Nimesha Jinarajadasa
Nerd For Tech

DevOps Engineer & Advocate @ KodeKloud(Singapore) | Former Senior Software Engineer @ IFS R&D Technology | Top Rated Plus Freelancer @Upwork | Moratuwa Uni Alum