How 17 Global Brands Use Generative AI for Customer Experience Boost

Master Of Code Global
Nerd For Tech
Published in
11 min readMay 5, 2024

What does poor customer experience (CX) mean for a business? According to NewVoiceMedia’s report, it translates to a loss exceeding $75 billion annually. Moreover, 67% of clients are “serial switchers,” readily abandoning brands after a negative incident. This highlights a critical gap between businesses and buyer expectations.

Unsurprisingly, decision-makers are actively developing or planning to implement solutions capable of analyzing speech and text for operational and CX improvements. They are also exploring ways to analyze sentiment, tone, and emotion in contact center conversations to provide real-time agent guidance.

One innovation demonstrating a significant impact in this regard is unsurprisingly Generative AI. A study by IDC and Microsoft indicates an 18% increase in consumer satisfaction among AI companies. Additionally, these firms report an average ROI of 250%, underscoring the substantial value of the technology.

In this article, we will explore how 17 well-known brands have successfully implemented Generative AI for customer experience enhancement. We’ll also determine specific use cases that enabled these organizations to excel within their industries. Let’s discover together how AI-amplified solutions can elevate your client support quality to the next level.

The Impact of Gen AI on Client Experience

Bain & Company shows that companies that excel in the CX grow revenues 4%-8% above their market. Generative AI in customer service is a powerful lever to achieve these results and elevate the quality of services to new heights. Here’s how:

  • Round-the-clock responsiveness. AI-powered chatbots handle common inquiries anytime, improving accessibility and reducing wait times.
  • Hyper-personalized engagement. Generative systems tailor content and recommendations, fostering stronger business-buyer relationships and boosting conversions.
  • Strategic insights and data-driven decision-making. Organizations can analyze interactions to uncover pain points, predict trends, and optimize their offerings.
  • Efficient operations. With intelligent algorithms, companies automate routine tasks, freeing up their support team to focus on complex cases and saving costs.
  • Proactive problem-solving. AI-amplified solutions can also identify potential issues before they escalate, growing user satisfaction levels.

The numbers speak for themselves:

  • 84% of executives already utilize artificial intelligence for customer communication. They prioritize this technology for several key goals: faster information delivery (67%), reduced wait times (62%), accurate data (53%), consistent experiences (42%), tailored responses (41%), and cost savings (28%).
  • Early adopters report significant advantages, including improved consumer service (69%), streamlined workflows (54%), increased client satisfaction (48%), and better use of analytics (41%).
  • Other tangible results reported are revenue increases (34%), improvements in ratings (40%), and boosts in team productivity (32%).
  • Pairing agents with virtual assistants further amplifies benefits, leading to a 7.7% growth in simultaneous chats handled and an average of $4.3 million in staffing cost savings.

The data speaks volumes: Generative AI and customer experience are inextricably linked. For businesses seeking to elevate their interactions, deliver personalized support, gain actionable recommendations, and achieve measurable outcomes, this technology is no longer optional. It’s the key to unlocking a future where CX is both efficient and deeply satisfying, fostering a loyal buyer base and propelling sustainable growth.

17 Generative AI in Customer Experience Case Studies

Empowered by these statistics, let’s now look at a few success stories from leading global brands. We’ll learn how exactly companies are using Gen AI to exalt client engagement and loyalty.

Electronics Retailer: Optimizing Product Discovery

An electronics manufacturer aimed to enhance CX and boost sales with a new direct-to-consumer channel. Master of Code Global (MOCG) developed an Apple Messages for Business chatbot with a Gen AI component for their website. This conversational shopping assistant helps customers find the perfect products. It also answers questions accurately and streamlines the purchase process through Shopify integration.

The bot understands preferences, personalizes recommendations, and offers a smooth transfer to human agents for complex queries. It delivers impressive results: an 80% CSAT score, an 84% engaged session rate, and an average order value of approximately $300. It boosts loyalty, enhances satisfaction, and drives conversions.

BloomsyBox: Driving Customer Engagement

This floral subscription company used Generative AI to elevate their Mother’s Day campaign. Master of Code Global, in partnership with Infobip, developed an eCommerce chatbot for this purpose. The bot led customers through a playful quiz, rewarding those who answered correctly with a free bouquet. Winners could then use the intelligent feature to create customized messages for their mothers. This innovative tactic deepened buyer connections with the brand and skyrocketed engagement metrics. The initiative resulted in a 60% quiz completion rate, a 78% prize claim ratio, and 38% of clients opting for generated greetings.

Read also about other brands using AI-powered engagement to boost sales and promote new products

Conversational AI Platform: Accelerating Knowledge Base Automation

Businesses often struggle to keep their chatbots’ knowledge bases up-to-date. Manually creating and maintaining help center resources is a time-consuming process that hinders the ability to deliver effective client care. Large language models (LLMs) can assist with resolving this bottleneck. At Master of Code, we’ve built an AI-powered knowledge base automation solution for a top-tier enterprise.

Here’s how it works: the tool analyzes conversations between customers and support agents. It then identifies frequently asked questions and the corresponding best responses. The system generates articles in the appropriate format using these insights. Such an optimization reduces the time and effort required to build out an exhaustive information repository. Moreover, it allows bots to provide instant answers to common inquiries boosting the self-service experience. As a result, companies can elevate customer satisfaction and reduce workload.

ZestFinance: Expanding Credit Access

Through the power of a Generative AI-based financial solution, the ZAML platform unlocks credit opportunities for traditionally underserved groups. Its algorithm analyzes a vast array of data and paints a more complete picture of borrower behavior. With the insights from the assessment, lenders can confidently expand approvals.

This directly improves the customer experience for millennials and thin-file individuals. They can gain the resources they need without the hurdles of traditional underwriting. ZAML also maintains explainability, aiding in regulatory compliance. Overall, this tool boosts inclusivity and orchestrates smoother financial journeys for clients.

Helvetia: Providing 24/7 User Support

Clara chatbot, powered by Gen AI, takes the online insurance journey to the next level. Consumers enjoy round-the-clock access to simple, informative answers about coverages and pensions. The bot can address a wide range of questions and requests. It makes finding information more efficient than conventional website searches.

Moreover, the assistant continuously learns from user feedback, ensuring it can always provide reliable support. Helvetia also prioritizes transparency and security, addressing the potential for AI-generated errors. This positions the company as a leader in both customer service and the responsible use of Generative AI within the insurance industry.

MetLife: Elevating Agent Performance

The brand introduced call center AI to deliver superior assistance to their consumers. The insurer uses it for dynamic analysis of client emotions and tones. This empowers agents to better understand buyer needs and tailor their responses accordingly. The system also provides managers with valuable insights into communication quality. They identify areas for improvement and offer targeted coaching to contact center employees.

As a result, MetLife has seen a 3.5% increase in first-call resolutions and a 13% boost in consumer satisfaction. The focus on AI-driven empathy ensures customers feel heard and supported from their very initial interaction.

Zalando: Tailoring Suggestions in Real-Time

The retailer introduces a new dimension to the industry with the beta release of its AI-powered assistant. The brand sees Generative AI-inspired fashion as a path to a more customized, engaging shopping experience. Their conversational tool offers clients an innovative way to find outfits that match their unique style and needs.

As a co-creative effort, Zalando invites users to provide feedback, actively upgrading the virtual agent. This collaborative approach guarantees the solution continues to iterate alongside client preferences.

JPMorgan: Improving Investment Decision-Making

JPMorgan is taking a strategic leap forward with IndexGPT, a potential ChatGPT-based service. It harnesses LLM technology to guide investment choices. This instrument empowers informed, secure decisions and more satisfied clients. It could potentially save time and boost confidence in portfolio selections.

While some financial advisors see this as a disruption, JPMorgan envisions it as a way to enhance existing services. The company’s proactiveness positions them as leaders in customer-focused Generative AI solutions for fintech.

Tripadvisor: Upgrading Travel Planning

Tripadvisor’s latest new AI-powered generator turbocharges trip itinerary creation. The solution creates custom routes based on destination, dates, and traveler preferences. Brand’s vast database of reviews and opinions ensures reliable, community-driven recommendations. Travelers can easily customize and share their trip agendas. Overall, the use of Generative AI for personalization mediates a consolidated planning experience and deeper user engagement.

Mercedes-Benz: Personalizing In-Car Experiences

The integration of Generative AI in automotive promises to transform how drivers interact with their vehicles. Mercedes-Benz is leading the charge with their new in-car assistant. The system analyzes driver choices and behavior to proactively suggest routes based on traffic patterns and daily routines. It even provides personalized news updates or tunes into your favorite entertainment.

With over 900,000 customers in the beta program, users are already experiencing the benefits of tailored driving. Mercedes-Benz is committed to guaranteeing a more intuitive and individualized experience.

SK Telecom: Introducing Digital Companion

Generative AI in telecommunication also takes a leap forward with a new chatbot from SK Telecom. This tool fuses the conversational power of LLMs with the convenience of a “super app”. “A.” bot offers a customized, friendly experience that goes beyond simple question-answering. Clients can chat as if with a friend, receiving practical solutions to everyday challenges.

Integrated services like music streaming, eCommerce, and even payments streamline daily tasks. And for those seeking connection, the “A. Friends” chatroom feature suggests emotional support. The company expands the boundaries of AI-driven customer interactions with this unique approach.

Amazon: Streamlining Review Insights

The enterprise’s AI-powered testimonials simplify the decision-making for shoppers. The algorithm distills common themes, providing instant insights into product features and buyer opinions. The system saves users time and allows them to quickly determine if an item aligns with their needs.

LLMs can also pinpoint comments mentioning specific attributes, further simplifying the research process. Amazon prioritizes authenticity, ensuring the identified points are based solely on verified reviews. As a result, customers get a chance to complete informed purchases with greater confidence. Furthermore, by fostering a convenient buying journey Generative AI prevents cart abandonment.

Carrefour: Catalyzing Smart Shopping

This brand has recently introduced Hopla, their new interactive agent. It helps shoppers choose products based on budget, dietary needs, and dish ideas. The chatbot assists with meal planning and suggests anti-waste solutions, promoting sustainability. It links to the retailer’s website for seamless purchases.

Carrefour further enriches product descriptions and streamlines internal purchasing with its help. This variety of use cases demonstrates the multidimensional nature of Generative AI applications in retail.

Featurespace: Enhancing Financial Security

TallierLTM™ capitalizes on Gen AI to create a unique “behavioral bar code” for each customer. The model analyzes transaction history, developing a deep understanding of individual spending patterns. As a result, the system can quickly spot anomalies that could signal fraudulent activity.

TallierLTM™ showed improvements of up to 71% in fraud value detection compared to industry standards. Such an increase significantly reduces the risk of customers falling victim to scams. Ultimately, adopting Generative AI in payments translates to fewer frustrating experiences with blocked purchases and greater peace of mind for clients while transacting.

CarGurus: Enhancing Car Search

This leading automotive marketplace introduces a ChatGPT plugin for a conversational search. Shoppers are provided with a more personalized and intuitive way to find their ideal vehicle. Users input prompts, either broad or specific, to receive tailored recommendations directly from the listings. Consumers can explore options based on their personal needs and preferences. Overall, the integration eliminates the need for restrictive search fields, offering clients more flexibility and deeper personalization.

Virgin Voyages: Experimenting with Tailored Invitations

One more example of Generative AI adoption in hospitality is “Jen AI” from a famous cruise line. This playful campaign features a virtual Jennifer Lopez powered by artificial intelligence. The solution allows travelers to create custom invitations, promising a memorable way to gather friends and family. They can customize invites with precise details about the upcoming event.

While the humorous ad reveals the technology still has room for improvement, it showcases the potential of generative solutions to dynamically tailor interactive experiences. The approach also bolsters the brand’s commitment to fun, engaging services.

Mercari: Reimagining Online Browsing

One more domain benefiting considerably from LLMs is eCommerce. One of the examples is Merchat AI, driven by ChatGPT, which serves as a virtual shopping assistant. The chatbot engages in conversations, recommending products based on user preferences and needs. This tool is ideal for finding unique gifts, hard-to-find collectibles, or even getting style advice.

It transforms the buying journey from a search-focused task to a personalized, conversational experience. Merchat AI streamlines the process while uncovering items customers might never have found on their own. Overall, such an integration makes secondhand shopping more accessible and appealing.

Wrapping Up

The case studies explored clearly demonstrate the potential of Generative AI in customer experience. As this technology matures, we anticipate a future where interactions are increasingly seamless, personalized, and even anticipatory. Companies that embrace conversational applications early on will position themselves for long-term success. They will create the kind of frictionless and responsive digital journey that consumers crave and reward with their loyalty.

If you’re ready to prioritize client-centric innovation, Master of Code Global is your ideal partner. Our proven development process guides you smoothly from strategy to the post-launch phase, ensuring your artificial intelligence solutions deliver value at every stage. We understand the intricacies of user needs and possess the technical expertise to translate them into successful apps. Let’s work together to elevate your CX and forge enduring relationships with buyers.

Interested in a Conversational AI solution? Let us help you connect your brand with customers where they communicate today. Chat or voice.



Master Of Code Global
Nerd For Tech

A service company with a product mindset developing custom digital experiences for web, mobile, as well as AI-based conversational chat and voice solutions.