How AI Can Make Blockchain More Smarter?

Discover how AI is transforming blockchain technology, making it smarter and more efficient. Learn about the powerful synergy between AI and blockchain

Elizebeth Emily
Nerd For Tech
5 min readMay 12, 2024


How AI can make blockchain more smarter


It’s 2024…. We are heading to a technologically more advanced world day by day where Artificial intelligence is the recent big giant that has started to rule the world with its vast benefits. AI has become a part of humans day to day life. The recent AI model like GPT4 has received tremendous support from every corner of the world. Many industries have started to adopt AI in their business operation and many new AI models are in processing.

Currently, this AI has been creating a huge changeover in the blockchain world. Blockchain technology has been implemented almost in half of the world due to its safe and transparent ecosystem. We all know that blockchain is known for security measures, the addition of AI power in blockchain can make it more powerful and smarter. The combining power of AI and blockchain has already been implemented in several industries and gained an immersive output across the world. Many tech enthusiasts strongly believe that the combining power of these two technologies is the next big thing in the tech world.

Role of AI in Making Blockchain a Better Ecosystem

Security Enhancement In Blockchain

  • As AI has been fed with the behavior of normal profiles, any deviation in user’s behavior on the blockchain network can be identified by AI
  • AI algorithms can analyze huge data sets to detect patterns of cyber threats, such as hacking attempts or any security breach activities, in real time.
  • AI techniques such as differential privacy can greatly enhance the privacy of transactions on the blockchain. By adding noise to the data before it is stored on the blockchain, AI can help protect the identities of users while maintaining the integrity of the data.

Smart Contracts Security

  • Ensuring the quality of code is essential for a smoother smart contract. AI-powered tools can automate the testing and deployment process and identify potential issues in the early stage of the development cycle. This will probably save time and resources mainly enhancing the overall security and reliability of smart contracts.
  • AI can help in identifying any threat to security by continuously monitoring the network for suspicious activities. This security approach can prevent potential attacks and ensure the integrity of smart contracts.
  • AI algorithms can analyze the performance of smart contracts and identify areas for improvement. By optimizing the code and streamlining the execution process, AI can enhance the speed and efficiency of smart contract operations and make them more responsive and reliable.
  • Using artificial intelligence, smart contracts can be adapted to changing conditions and remain relevant and effective over time. This dynamic adaptation capability is important for smart contracts to meet the evolving needs of users and stakeholders.
  • AI can further enhance the transparency in smart contracts by providing real-time insights into the operation of smart contracts. Artificial intelligence can extract data from the blockchain and analyze it to ensure that smart contracts are performing as intended and all parties are complying with their obligations.


  • Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and identify and negative behavior. By integrating AI into tokenization platforms, developers can create more secure systems that protect against cyber threats and unauthorized access.
  • AI-powered tools help in asset management by automating the tracking and verification of tokenized assets, reducing the need for manual intervention. This automation not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risk of errors and ensures compliance with regulations.
  • AI algorithms can analyze market trends and user behavior to predict asset demand and optimize liquidity. To maximize liquidity, AI enables token issuers to make informed decisions that ensure a smooth trading experience for investors.

Data Integrity

  • AI algorithms can be used to validate and verify data stored on the blockchain. This includes verifying the authenticity of transactions ensuring that data has not been tampered with, and validating the integrity of the entire blockchain. By providing a layer of validation, AI helps maintain the integrity of data stored on the blockchain.
  • AI techniques such as homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs can be used to enhance the privacy of data stored on the blockchain. These techniques allow computations to be performed on encrypted data without revealing the underlying data and ensure that sensitive information remains private while maintaining data integrity.


  • One of the key challenges in blockchain scalability is the consensus mechanism, which ensures agreement among nodes in a decentralized network. AI’s machine learning models can optimize consensus protocols to improve efficiency and reduce the time taken to validate transactions. Using historical data and network performance, AI can dynamically adjust the consensus mechanism to ensure optimal performance during peak times.
  • AI algorithms compress and store data more efficiently thus reducing the storage requirements of blockchain networks. This is particularly useful for public blockchains where storage costs can be significant. With the help of AI-driven data compression techniques, blockchain networks can store more data in less space thereby improving the overall scalability without any compromise in security or integrity.
  • It is possible to predict future resource requirements using AI by analyzing network traffic and usage patterns. In peak periods, blockchain networks can allocate resources more effectively by anticipating demand spikes. This helps in scaling blockchain networks efficiently, avoiding unnecessary costs, and ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • Network routing can be optimized using AI algorithms by analyzing traffic patterns and determining the most efficient routes for data transmission. As a result, latency is reduced and performance is improved, especially in large-scale blockchain networks. AI is capable of dynamically adjusting network routing based on real-time data, ensuring that transactions are processed quickly and efficiently.
  • Blockchain networks are divided into smaller, more manageable sections using sharding and partitioning. Based on network dynamics and transaction volumes, artificial intelligence can help identify the optimal sharding strategy. AI enhances the scalability of blockchains by allowing transactions to be processed in parallel thus increasing the network’s throughput.


On the whole, AI has the fullest potential to transform blockchain to another level. As many tech enthusiast says the development of Artificial Intelligence is still in its birth stage and there are a lot more to come. So in the upcoming years, we can expect more and more advancement in AI which will further enhance the blockchain network. The combining power of these two technologies will not only benefit business but also can change humans’ complexity in day-to-day tasks. I conclude by saying “Technology is not a replacement for humans. Human builds the foundation and technology fuels it. Only with their collaboration, a smarter, more connected world can be born.



Elizebeth Emily
Nerd For Tech

A budding blogger and a supporter of web3 technologies, metaverse and AI