How Microsoft Dynamics CTI Integration Protects CX from These 6 Blunders

Rahul Mishra
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2024

A brand architects its reputation in the market by offering exceptionally good customer experience. Around 93% of customers tend to repeat their purchase from a brand that guarantees a good CX. Thus, a lot of brands are inclined toward revamping their CX strategy to figure out what works for them.

But here’s the truth — Brands are just shooting in the dark to figure out what works for them. This mainly happens due to the lack of technology which needs to be fixed.

Companies & brands can offer flawless customer experience by integrating the right technology and this is where Microsoft Dynamics 365 CTI integration comes in. Flipping through the blog would help contact centers understand how to rectify CX blunders by integrating a CTI connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Are You Guilty of Not Fixing The Customer Experience Blunders?

Brian Chesky, Co-Founder of Airbnb, once said, “Technology is beyond a tool. It is the foundation of the modern customer experience.” Being equipped with the right tools and technology simplifies it for contact centers to deliver a seamless experience to modern-day customers.

Around 75% of customers prefer seamless customer service & experience over products/services. But when customer service is not up to the mark, customers leave. This is often the attrition rate that decreases customer satisfaction (CSAT).

Here’s a list of the top blunders that derail customer experience. Besides, the role of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 connector has been highlighted to keep the customer experience intact.

Slow Response Time

Certain queries demand urgent redressal from the customer service department. Since urgent queries are unlikely to be kept on hold, they should be transferred to the skilled agent of the concerned department. Delays in resolving the query will directly impact the average handle time (AHT) and customer satisfaction (CSAT) score of the contact center.

The Solution

Integrating a CTI connector for Microsoft Dynamics 365 can resolve this problem as it provides complete call controls to agents. Hence, calls with high-priority queries can be easily transferred to the concerned agent along with the existing screen. This helps in providing prompt resolution without impacting the CSAT score.

Not Acknowledging Customers

As per a survey, 73% of customers admit that they do not like to repeat their queries whenever connected to the customer service department. Undoubtedly, it plays a key role in planning a smooth customer journey which depletes when customers have to repeat their queries to agents.

The Solution

Screen pop is one of the most important features of MS Dynamics CRM connector. It displays a box on the agent’s screen as soon as the call comes in that helps in acknowledging the customer. The screen pop generally contains customer information like name, previous interactions, etc., which could be customized as per business requirements.

Lack of Omnichannel Experience

This is another CX blunder that hampers the CSAT Score of the contact center. An improper alignment between customer service and the journey is enough to annoy customers. Hence, the lack of omnichannel experience should be fixed.

The Solution

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CTI integration helps contact centers offer omnichannel experience to customers. It helps integrate different communication platforms like messaging apps, email, SMS, voice calling, etc., which makes it easier for customers to reach out to the brand.

Moreover, customers do not require repeating themselves. The CTI connector for MS Dynamics allows agents to pick up the conversation from the communication channel used last.

ALSO READ: Top 9 Upcoming Trends in Customer Experience

Banking on Incomplete Details

The contact center industry thrives on data and it becomes essential to keep the database updated. Making manual notes, after disconnecting the call, defines the inconsistency of the contact center in delivering seamless customer service. Human agents are prone to making mistakes that should be fixed permanently.

The Solution

The automated call logging feature of MS Dynamics CRM connector helps in automating call logging. It automatically creates a call log for the agent which can be used for future references to strike a contextual conversation with the same customer.

Unnecessary Screen Toggling

Time and speed are the most crucial aspects of contact centers. Agents must be swift in addressing customer queries & offering the right solution. Queries that are related to common troubleshooting must be resolved single-handedly through an automated process. However, providing a solution manually by switching between screens can keep the customer holding the line which deteriorates customer experience.

The Solution

To curb unwanted screen toggling, the CTI Connector for MS Dynamics supports third-party integrations, like a knowledge base. It entails guides for fixing common troubleshooting faced by customers.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration allows the agent to access the knowledge base within the CRM screen, thus, eliminating the appalling need for switching between screens.

Inability to Monitor Agent-Customer Interactions

The biggest cue for improving customer service is keeping a tab on agent-customer interactions. Missing out on this can lead the customer experience to the grave, which again, impacts the overall productivity levels.

The Solution

As they say, there’s a solution to every problem, and monitoring agent-customer interactions becomes possible with the MS Dynamics CRM connector. With features like silent monitoring and barge-in, supervisors can keep a tab on ongoing interactions to refine the customer experience.

ALSO READ: 7 Proven Models To Increase Customer Engagement

It’s Not Too Late!

Issues related to customer service will continue to exist. Avoiding them is inevitable because the preferences of customers are changing frequently. Hence, such a crisis in the contact center industry must be tackled with smartness — by integrating the right tools & technologies. It is a sure-shot solution to get rid of blunders related to the customer experience.

NovelVox is well-known for offering contact center solutions. This leading CX player in the market is CMMI level-3 certified and offers contact center solutions on a global scale. Its different products include an agent desktop, CTI connectors, ticket management software, chatbot, digital engagement software, visual IVR, and wallboards.



Rahul Mishra
Nerd For Tech

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