How Testing Flutter Apps With Appium Take Place?

A quick guide on how Appium automation enables thorough testing of Flutter apps and how it benefits the apps thereafter.

Milan Panchasara
Nerd For Tech
3 min readJun 22, 2022


Image by: Milan On: Self

Developing a high-quality and error-free mobile app does not take place overnight. Starting from market research to choosing an app development platform to app testing, app development has phases worth paying attention to.

One of the crucial steps in app development is choosing the right app development framework. And, amidst a range of different platforms, Flutter is known for its cost-effectiveness and high-quality performance. This is also one of the reasons behind its widespread popularity.

As Flutter has captivated developers for app development globally, Flutter app testing has also improved significantly. To test Flutter apps, developers often turn towards Appium automation.

In this quick guide, we will see how Appium automation enables thorough testing of Flutter apps and how it benefits the apps thereafter. But, right before starting with the process of testing Flutter apps using Appium automation, we will give a brief on what Appium automation exactly is.

What is Appium automation?

Appium is that magic test automation framework that is friends with all-native, hybrid, Android, iOS, and Windows applications. It means Appium does not discriminate and automates testing for all kinds of Flutter apps. Moreover, as Appium is cross-platform, it allows for writing tests for different platforms using the same API. Now isn’t that commendable?

Here are a few advantages of using Appium:

  • Allows writing and running tests to ensure quality
  • Appium supports multiple platforms and operating systems
  • Does not require any recompilation of the apps
  • Supports JSON write protocol
  • Supports automation tests on physical devices
  • Appium does not have any dependency on mobile devices

How does testing Flutter apps using Appium take place?

Now let’s begin with the process and see how Appium automation tests Flutter apps and ensure their quality before the final launch.

  • Downloading the package from Github, including Appium Flutter driver and Appium Flutter finder;
  • Changing the directory to the “appium” folder;
  • Using the “appium” command in the console and start the appium server;
  • Starting the emulator and installing the Node.js package;
  • Testing the configuration in test.js”)
  • Running the command “APPIUM_OS=android npm start” to start the appium automation.

Final words

There is no doubt that an app that has gone through the testing process will be flawless with impressive performance. Since Flutter app development is in such high demand, launching them without proper testing can be devastating. However, what’s there to stress about when there is an Appium automation tool?

Flutter apps are indeed lucky as testing and launching them is simplified by Appium automation. So, always make sure to follow the testing process using Appium and launch error-less Flutter apps in the market.

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Milan Panchasara
Nerd For Tech

Tech Writer & Sr. Marketing Consultant | 6 Years of Exp. | Write on Popular Technology & Different Industries. | LinkedIn: