How to Become a Data Scientist

The roadmap to becoming a data scientist

Nerd For Tech
9 min readAug 2, 2022


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The job market is tough. You’re looking for a new opportunity, but it can be challenging to know where to start. There are many options, and you want assurance that you’re going into the right field at the right time. In this article, I will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a data scientist in today’s world and how best to get started on your journey! We’ll cover topics like what skills data scientists have. What technologies do they use? How do they manage their time? And more importantly — how can you become a data scientist yourself?

What is Data Science?

Data science is the application of statistical analysis, machine learning, and other data-analytic methods to understand, predict, and improve business performance, products and services.

Data Science is not only about collecting data from different sources. It involves applying scientific methods to solve business problems using data for making predictions and taking actions that result in better outcomes for customers or businesses. Data scientists also work on building models that can be used by others in their organizations, like managers who want to make decisions based on the best available information at hand.

What skills does a data scientist need?

  • Programming skills: Data scientists need to be able to work with different programming languages and tools, including Python, R, and SAS.
  • Statistics: You’ll need knowledge of statistical concepts such as probability distributions, regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and random variables.
  • Data visualization: This is important for communicating insights from your findings to non-technical colleagues or clients who may not understand the nuances of statistics or programming language syntax. You should be able to create compelling data visualizations using tools such as Tableau Software or Matplotlib (Python), D3 (JavaScript), and ggplot2 (R).
  • Communication: It’s also essential for data science professionals to have excellent communication skills to clearly explain their findings in meetings with clients or colleagues with varying levels of expertise in the field.

How Do I Become a Data Scientist for Free?

If you want to learn about data science as a career, or just want to get started and see how things work, many resources are available to you for free. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use online tutorials and courses: There are many different options for learning data science on the internet today, from individual classes like Coursera’s Data Science specialization (Coursera is an education platform that offers courses in a variety of subjects, including machine learning) to MOOCs (massive open online courses), which typically provide free access but sometimes charge fees for certificates of completion. You can find lots of helpful information on YouTube videos, such as this Learn Data Science Tutorial — Full Course for Beginners by Freecodecamp. As well as other learning platforms like Wikipedia.
Online community on desktop
  • Join online communities and forums: People discuss data science topics such as programming languages and frameworks used by practitioners in this field (like Python). While these communities aren’t necessarily intended exclusively for beginners, they may have resources such as articles written by experts who can help guide your learning process while also guiding it towards concrete goals — not all those who share their knowledge do so out of altruism; many do so because they believe helping others will lead them toward more success themselves!

Here is a quick list of a few online communities to get you started off:

  1. Kaggle

Kaggle is a community of over three million data scientists, machine learning engineers, and other professionals who share data sets, create collaborative projects, and enter competitions to solve data science challenges.

2. Reddit

Reddit is a one-stop platform for reading about almost any topic — there are over 430 million active users and 1.2 million communities or subreddits. Some of the top subreddits that every data scientist should join are r/datascience, r/dataisbeautiful, and r/MachineLearning.

3. IBM Data Science Community

The IBM Data Science Community offers a constant stream of freshly updated content, including featured blogs and forums for discussion and collaboration. The community provides access to the latest white papers, webcasts, presentations, and research — all created by data scientists worldwide.

4. Data Science Society

Data Science Society is a community of digital data lovers from across the globe. We enjoy sharing our knowledge, experiences, and insights about all things data. Our goal is to help people build successful careers in the data science industry. As a result, we’ve created an international network of like-minded professionals who share our passion for data and digital insights.

5. Dataquest

Dataquest has a community of data science students who help others with their queries. Trained moderators and other learners are always on hand to answer questions or offer advice. The community is a go-to resource if you’re stuck on a mission, encounter a platform issue, need advice, or want feedback on your project.

Where to Start?

A MOOC is a Massive Open Online Course, a learning platform that allows you to get some experience with data science without committing to a full degree program. It’s also the best place to find mentors and communities to help you learn more about the field.

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You’ll have to have some knowledge of programming languages like Python or R, but don’t worry — many MOOCs are explicitly designed for people who don’t have formal computer science degrees. And if you do already know how to code and want something more advanced than an online course can provide, there are also plenty of online communities where experts can meet up and share their expertise with each other.

Once you’re ready for your first job in data science, there are many opportunities available now due mainly in part to big tech companies like Google hiring thousands more employees this year alone! So go ahead: start looking today while there’s still time before everyone else catches on!

What Technologies Do I Need To Learn?

To become a data scientist, you’ll need to learn multiple programming languages and software tools. These include:

  • Python
  • R
  • SQL
  • Hadoop (Hadoop is a programming platform that allows data scientists to analyze large amounts of unstructured data.)

In addition, you’ll need to understand the following technologies: machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), artificial intelligence (AI), and data mining. If you’re interested in getting more in-depth with these concepts, check out Udacity’s Machine Learning Nanodegree program.

Managing Your Time

As a data scientist, you’ll be working with and analyzing large datasets daily. This requires you to be organized and efficient to make the most of your time.

It’s essential to manage your time well so that you can accomplish everything on your to-do list without feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. Here are some tips for managing your time effectively:

  • Prioritize tasks by importance (and urgency). Be sure to spend more time on tasks that are important and urgent rather than on less important but less urgent tasks.
  • Set aside blocks of unbroken work time if possible; this will allow you more focus when tackling big projects or multi-step processes like building prototypes, running simulations, etc., which often require uninterrupted focus to complete successfully.
Hour glass
  • Don’t forget about sleep! It’s crucial for staying healthy and productive as a data scientist — but don’t worry too much if there are days where sleep isn’t possible due to deadlines looming overhead; just try not to let these become a habit!

How Do I Build a Portfolio as a Data Scientist?

Most data scientists are hired for their skills, not their experience. This means that you will likely be competing with people who have worked as data scientists for two or three years — and have a portfolio to prove it. What can you do to differentiate yourself from other candidates?

  • Create your own projects and solve problems using machine learning. You don’t need an employer to give you work; there are many opportunities available online that allow anyone to put together a project and showcase their capabilities (check out our list of places where you can find suitable challenges).
  • Include code samples, presentations, or screenshots of dashboards on your portfolio website. It’s also helpful if these examples demonstrate familiarity with specific tools such as Python libraries like scikit-learn or TensorFlow; this will help show off both technical know-how and interview ability!

Looking For Your First Job As A Data Scientist

Now that you’ve got some data science skills and experience, it’s time to put them to use by finding a job as a data scientist. We’ll look at what steps you need to take to find your first job as a data scientist.

First things first: if you haven’t already done so, make sure that you have an online presence. That means creating accounts on LinkedIn and Twitter, setting up your own website with proper SEO and hosting it on GitHub or Bitbucket (GitHub is preferred), or even just creating an account on Stack Overflow. This will be your first step toward becoming more visible within the community of data scientists.

Next up, you should start looking for jobs! There are several good sites where you can find jobs posted by companies seeking new talents, such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn Jobs. When applying for these jobs, make sure that you tailor your resume and cover letter specifically for each position advertised; otherwise, they won’t stand out from all the other applicants who did not bother customizing their applications.

Linkedin Job Search

Lastly, don’t forget to network! The best way to get hired is when someone knows someone else who needs a new hire — and then they pass along your information because they think highly of you. If this happens before you’ve even applied for a job at all? That’s even better!

Data scientists are in high demand and can work from anywhere.

  • Data scientists are in high demand. As we’ve seen, the number of jobs available for data scientists is increasing, and that growth is expected to continue.
  • Data scientists can work from anywhere. This flexibility makes it ideal for those who want a remote job or one that allows them to travel more often than not.
  • Data scientists can work on their own schedule and choose the projects they want to pursue, so if you’re not someone who prefers working in an office every day and you don’t care much about what project you’re working on so long as it’s interesting, this might be a good fit for you!


Data science is a great career path for anyone who loves math and technology. It’s also a great way to make money while working from home. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or have been doing data science for years, we hope this article has given you some insight into what it takes to become a data scientist!

If you want more information about what exactly being a data scientist entails, check out our other blog posts about similar skills that go into getting started in the tech industry. And if you end up loving this career as much as we do? We can help! Contact us today and let us know how we can support your goals at :)

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