How to Change the Screen Transition in Kivy

Nerd For Tech
Published in
1 min readAug 6, 2021

The default transition is the SlideTransition, but there are many different types. You can also specify NoTransition.

Since the slide transition is the default, it is not necessary to import anything. You need to import all other transitions in the .kv file at the top of your file.

This is a screenshot from the Kivy Screen Manager page with the available transitions:

Use this syntax in your ScreenManager in your .kv file to change the default transition:

#: import WipeTransition kivy.uix.screenmanager.WipeTransition<ScreenManager>:
transition: WipeTransition()

You can change the transition within your file. **Important: Once you change the transition in one location, it will apply to all the following transitions unless you specifically change it again.**

#: import WipeTransition kivy.uix.screenmanager.WipeTransition<ExampleScreen>:    GridLayout:
cols: 1
text: "Change the Direction of Default SlideTransition":
root.manager.transition.direction = "right"
root.manager.current = "new_screen"
text: "Change Transition Type"
root.manager.transition = WipeTransition()
root.manager.current = "new_screen"



Nerd For Tech

I am a librarian and new computer programmer creating an app with Python and Kivy to document the plants in my garden.