How to Use Chat GPT: Complete Beginner Guide

AI Can Really Write
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2023
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With the recent release of Chat GPT by Open AI, the usability of AI has increased astronomically. People from anywhere with a laptop and a wifi connection can use it. That being said it can be quite intimidating for people brand new to such technology.

But first, what exactly is Chat GPT?

GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) is a type of language model developed by OpenAI. It has been trained on a large dataset of human-generated text and can generate human-like text in a variety of languages.

So how can we use this software?

The Chat GPT is designed similar to a search engine like google. Only instead of only entering questions, you can also enter prompts and ask it to complete tasks. Once you create a free account on Open AI, you will have access to the Chat feature. From there you can ask it anything you would like.

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For example, above I asked the AI for a list of creative video ideas, and it gave me a list of unique ideas that I can use anyway I like. If you’re not satisfied with the answer there is an option at the bottom to “regenerate response” and the AI will try again. Giving you a completely different answer.

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Anther cool feature is that Chat GPT is that it remembers information from earlier in your chat. In the example above I simply asked “Can you expand on idea number 6” which normally would not be enough information for it to give me a response. But because it was in the same chat as the previous prompt about video ideas, it can give me an answer. Then whenever you want to start a new chat, simply press the “New Chat” button in the upper left corner and it will forget any information from other conversations.

Once you master this skill of having the AI do these tasks, it can be applied to any topic. From writing small paragraphs or articles, answering questions, or even writing code it can do anything. If you are struggling to get the exact response you want from the AI, try to be more specific in your question or prompt as the more information it has, the more accurate the response will be.

Here are some useful tips for using GPT to its full potential (created by Chat GPT itself):

Use GPT as a source of inspiration or to generate ideas: You can ask GPT to complete a prompt or to generate text on a specific topic. This can be a useful way to come up with ideas for writing or other creative projects.

Use GPT for language translation: GPT has been trained on a large dataset of text in multiple languages and can generate text in different languages. This can be useful for language translation tasks.

Use GPT for text generation: GPT can generate text that is similar to human-written text. This can be useful for tasks such as generating content for websites or social media, or for creating automatic responses to customer inquiries.

Use GPT for language modeling: You can use GPT to predict the next word in a sentence or to generate text that follows a specific style or structure. This can be useful for tasks such as language translation or text summarization.

Fine-tune GPT for your specific use case: GPT has been trained on a general dataset of human-generated text, but you can fine-tune it for specific tasks or domains by training it on a smaller dataset of text that is relevant to your use case. This can improve the quality and relevance of the generated text.

If you want to try a program similar to ChatGPT but is more focused on content creation, I highly recommend trying text.cortex. I have used it in many other articles and have loved all its features.

Thank you for reading. If you found this article helpful, please follow me. I really appreciate it.


This article was created using AI.



AI Can Really Write
Nerd For Tech

With the recent explosion of AI, I pondered the question, how well can AI really write like a person? All my articles use AI in hopes to answer that question.