How we recovered more than 6k user’s data using Kibana API

In the latest release, a terrible bug was included. Lots of precious user information was lost. With Kibana we recovered everything.

Gaetano Piazzolla
Nerd For Tech


Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

Step 1) 😎 Deploy a cool new feature

Step 2) 😱 Panic after 4 days when someone tells you that the new code impacted another piece of the application, causing the override with nulls of several fields in the user table

Step 4) 💾 Recover some data from a past database dump

Step 5) 😱 Panic AGAIN when you notice that 6k user’s row are still missing data

Step 6) 🔎 Discover that using Kibana luckily you can manually recover user information written on Log

Step 7) 😱 Panic SOME MORE when you think that you have to do this operation manually, for six thousand times

Step 8) 💻 Implement a batch in Java, replicating the flow of HTTP calls done manually from the Kibana U.I.

Step 9)🎉 Profit

This article regards only step 8 of the current emotional rollercoaster we had, with the hope that could be useful to someone else.

Kibana is a dashboard UI software that gives the user an easy interaction with data…

