Filter in RecyclerView Android

Narayan Panthi
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

Search & Load recycler view from a public API.

🚀 Hello, In this article, we are going to implement a complete page with a search view & recycler view.

From fetching data to populating recycler view with a list of responses from public URL “”.

Response of this GET API

“author”:”Alejandro Escamilla”,
“author”:”Alejandro Escamilla”,

Step 1: Initial Setup

Initial project setup & retrofit is available in below source code link made with love, Kotlin & Hilt Injection.

Adding base URL to our Gradle implementation.

'String', 'BASE_URL', "\"\""

Step II. Creating Model & Adapter

Here, In the project, the Photos model is created from API response “”.



data class Photos(
var author: String, // Matthew Wiebe
var downloadUrl: String, //
var height: Int, // 3301
var id: String, // 1025
var url: String, //
var width: Int // 4951

Then, Let’s create an adapter for our recycler view where photosList is a list of data & photosListFiltered is a result of the list we get after filtering.

var photosList: ArrayList<Photos> = ArrayList()
var photosListFiltered: ArrayList<Photos> = ArrayList()

Also to implement search in our recyclerview. We need to implement Filterable in your adapter and override getFilter(): Filter object.


Let’s add PhotosAdapter into our PhotosActivity.We also need to implement SearchView.OnQueryTextListener in our activity/fragment.



Step III. Plotting Recyclerview

Here, we observe results from the server and post a value to onResponse, above in activity we observe this response.

Done, All your searches should be working.

Thumps up for more articles with examples.

Thank you.

Good day.

