Unity Guide

Implementing space shooter game features - Enemy view

A quick review of new features added to a space shooter game in Unity

Fernando Alcantara Santana
Nerd For Tech


Objective: Implement a way for enemies to detect power-ups and destroy them in a space shooter game with Unity.

In the previous post I implemented a smart behavior for some enemies in my space shooter game with Unity. Now it’s time to implement a way for the enemies to detect if they have a power-up in front of them and try to destroy it if that’s the case.

Creating the detector

In order to make an enemy identify the power-ups in front of it, let’s begin by dragging an enemy prefab into the scene view:

Next, let’s create a new empty object as the enemy child that will work as the power-up detector.

To be able to detect the power-ups, we’ll need to attach a 2D collider and a 2D rigidbody to the new empty gameobject. Let’s enable the Is Trigger option in the collider and let’s make the rigidbody a kinematic body type to avoid calling the OnTriggerEnter2D method of the enemy parent when something is detected in the collider:

Then, let’s modify the 2D collider to match the front view of our enemy prefab. This way, if a power-up (with a collider) enters the collider we can use the OnTriggerEnter2D method to detect it:

Now, let’s create a new script to handle the power-up detection and call the respective action when it happens:

Attach the new script into the new empty gameobject.

Handling the detection

In order to indicate the enemy that a power-up has been found, let’s open the EnemyBehavior class and create a new public method that calls the shooting method of our enemy:

Now, let’s open the new script and create a new variable to store a reference to the parent with an EnemyBehavior class attached:

To initialize the variable, we’ll use the GetComponent method inside the Start method:

Then, to identify when a power-up enters the enemy view, let’s use the OnTriggerEnter2D method, which will compare the tag of the collider that triggered the method to check if it’s a power-up.

If a collider with a tag that belongs to a power-up is identified, we’ll call the respective public function using the EnemyBehavior class reference:

To make sure that the power-ups are detected, let’s add and select the respective tag into the power-up prefabs:

And finally, let’s open the Shot class and add the respective condition to detect when a shot is from the enemy and collides with a power-up to destroy both of them:

Now, if we try spawning several power-ups in the scene we’ll be able to see that the enemies shoot when they detect a power-up at the front to destroy it:

Spawning enemies with vision

Now, in order to spawn enemies that can detect the power-ups, let’s make the empty gameobject a prefab:

Then, let’s open the spawn manager script and add 2 new variables:

  • Enemy view

This variable will store a reference to the new prefab that detects the power-ups.

  • View probability

This variable will store the probability of an enemy to be able to detect the power-ups.

Now, thanks to [SerializeField], we can modify the variables through the inspector to choose the probability and drag the respective prefab:

Then, to spawn a new enemy with “vision” let’s compare the probability value and Random.value to instantiate the prefab that detects the power-ups as the child of every new enemy spawned:

And now, if we run the game in Unity, we’ll be able to see that some of the enemies detect the power-ups and shoot them:

And that’s it, we implemented an enemy that detects power-ups! :D. I’ll see you in the next post, where I’ll be showing more features added to my space shooter game in Unity.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or visit my website :D



Fernando Alcantara Santana
Nerd For Tech

A passionate computer technology engineer and Unity developer that is always looking to grow in every aspect of life :).