Unity Guide

Implementing space shooter game features - Freezing power-up

A quick review of new features added to a space shooter game in Unity

Fernando Alcantara Santana
Nerd For Tech


Objective: Implement a negative power-up item that harms the player in a space shooter game with Unity.

In the previous post I implemented a new spawning system in my space shooter game with Unity. Now it’s time to implement a power-up that negatively affects the player if it’s collected.

New sprites

To begin, we need to include the new sprites to visualize the new power-up item and the respective effect in the player. If you don’t know where to create or obtain new sprites, then I recommend you to use a free and online program (like I did):

Freeze effect

To display the freeze effect in the player, I’ll use these sprites to create a new animation:

If you don’t know how to animate sprites in Unity, you can visit one of my older posts:

Once I create the animation I need to determine the keyframes of the sprite flow so that the effect takes place correctly:

Also, in order to display the animation when the player collects the power-up, we need to modify the animation controller by adding a trigger that triggers the animation and then returns to the normal state of the player:

Freeze power-up item

Now, let’s add the respective power-up to the game by using new sprites. If you don’t know how to implement a power-up in Unity, you can visit one of my older posts here:

Let’s create and modify the keyframes of a new animation and add the respective components to the power-up:

Once the components fit our needs, let’s make the power-up a prefab and add it to the spawn manager power-ups array to be spawned:

Implementing the power-up

In order to implement the power-up and visualize it’s effects, let’s open the Powerup script and add the new case inside the switch statement that handles the collision with the player:

The second parameter allows us to choose if the powerup is temporal and how much does it lasts.

Then, let’s open the Player script and create a new variable to hold the reference to the animator component attached to the player, which we’ll initialize in the Start method using GetComponent:

Then, in the method that enables and handle the power-up effects, let’s add the respective case for the new freezing power-up. The effect will stop the player’s movement and display the freezing effect by modifying the speed variable and triggering the animation:

Finally, in the method that gets called to disable a temporal power-up, let’s apply the original value to the speed variable:

And now, if we run the game in Unity, we’ll see that the power-up spawns and applies the expected freezing effect in the player for a couple of seconds:

And that’s it, we implemented a negative power-up to freeze the player! :D. I’ll see you in the next post, where I’ll be showing more features added to my space shooter game in Unity.

If you want to know more about me, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or visit my website :D



Fernando Alcantara Santana
Nerd For Tech

A passionate computer technology engineer and Unity developer that is always looking to grow in every aspect of life :).