Here’s How To Make Your Customers Dance To Your Tunes Whenever, However

Oku Cobham
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2023

Your customers are up and willing to do anything to get your product or service. But you’re doing one thing wrong. You know very little or nothing about them.

If you know their experiences and pain points like the back of your hand, they’ll do all you ask of them. And even more, fall in love doing it.

Research is the key to identifying, understanding, and satisfying your customers’ needs. Unfortunately, less than 40% of marketers use consumer research to drive decisions.

From Google Surveys

In this blog, I’ll spotlight the reasons why doing your customer research is inevitable.

Importance Of Doing Your Market Research

Imagine you’re a Doctor. Will you assume your patients’ problems and administer treatment straight away?

‘Definitely not.

Consumers see you as their doctor. It’ll be discouraging if they feel your product/service is not really what would solve their problem.

Thus, you must understand their pains inside out to treat them better. And the only to achieve this is through detailed market research.

Let’s see how market research can help your brand.

Helps You Define Your Audience

Without a defined audience, you are doing it all wrong. Customers are the driving force of every business, not the amount of money you’ve spent. Or the more you’re willing to spend.

Customer research lets you know your consumers are not just a subset of a population. It helps you identify their pains, what they like, what motivates them to buy, etc.

This way, you can work directly with your consumers and, even more, tailor your service or products to meet their needs.

Helps You Put Your Consumers First

Consumer research helps you know your customers like the back of your hand. When this happens, you can always have them at the forefront of every decision — from conversations to product or service creation.

Putting your consumers first is one way to move forward in your business. People feel loved when they feel like the reason you’re doing what you do. It shows you care for them.

Only after you’ve done your market research, you can put people first in all you do. Because if you don’t know them too well, how will you put them first?

“People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.” — Blair Warren.

Cut Risks

Risks are part of every business. True. But smart marketers and business owners use strategies to mitigate risks. And trust me, one way to manage risks is by doing proper market research.

The truth is, many new products or services fail not because there’s no demand. But because they were created as a result of a mere guess, not facts. A thorough market research will inform you whether or not your concept or idea has the potential for success.

Understands The Business Competitors

Your competition is only better because they’re doing what you’re not.

However, even as a new business, you can still have an edge amidst the toughest competition.

Here’s how.

You can use market research to uncover the underserved segment of the market. By serving this group of consumers, you are carving a market out for yourself.

Market research will make you understand where your competition is lagging — this could become your edge.

Final Words

Proper consumer research is one of the unsung heroes of successful brands and marketing strategies.

This is not limited to business alone. Even as a marketing writer, it’s essential to do your research before writing. Otherwise, your content may be entertaining rather than informing or persuading your audience.

Joanna Wiebe once said,

“Your job is not to write copy. Your job is to know your visitors, customers and prospects so well, you understand the situation they’re in right now, where they’d like to be, and exactly how your solution can and will get them to their ideal self.”

Like a professional doctor, you aim to cure your customers’ pains. To do this, You have to know them too well to make them trust and obey you. And this will only cost you a few hours of research.

Thanks to the internet. You can leverage the wealth of resources online to tailor your copy, product, or service. Read testimonials, reviews, and comments… to understand your audience.

Warning: This is a freestyle piece of my opinions on the ills that should be addressed.

