Install Visual Studio Code

Steps to install VS Code in Windows 10.

Akhitha Babu
Nerd For Tech
2 min readMar 8, 2021


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

Download the executable file from the link below.

Click the option Download.

Double click the downloaded file.

Now a dialogue box appears.

Select I accept the agreement

Then select Next

Select a folder by clicking Browse or just follow the default path.

Then select Next.

Select the required options as per your need by clicking in the checkbox.

Then select Next.

Select Install.

Wait a bit while it gets installed (The green color fills the bar).

Click Finish to exit Setup. Check in the check box to launch VS Code right now.

Congratulation! VS Code got installed in your system successfully.

Now a new dialogue box appears. This is VS Code IDE.

Click New file to open a new file.

All done!

Happy Coding!

