Introduction to FastAPI and Local DynamoDB

Agus Richard
Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readJan 13, 2022

Take the first step to develop an application using Python FastAPI and AWS DynamoDB

Photo by Michael on Unsplash

Nowadays, SQL based database is not the only main option we have regarding databases. With such a flexible characteristic, NoSQL is now widely used when a common SQL based database is considered unsuitable.

There are several types of NoSQL databases:

  • Key-value Pair Based
  • Column-oriented Graph
  • Graphs based
  • Document-oriented

This time we’ll look at key-value pair based NoSQL database, specifically at AWS DynamoDB. But before jumping directly to the cloud version, let’s take a look at the local one.

Note: You can get the full code for this article here

Set Up Local DynamoDB

In this section, we’ll start at how to set up local DynamoDB. There are three ways to install DynamoDB locally, you can download it, using Docker or having DynamoDB as an Apache Maven repository. We’ll talk about the second one since this approach is considered the simplest way to get started.

First thing first, make sure that you have Docker installed on your local machine. If you haven't, you can take a look at how to do it here

To run DynamoDB locally, simply run this command:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -d amazon/dynamodb-local

By running the above command, you’ll have a detached container and it will run on port 8000.

Okay, so we have our database running. But how to interact with it non-programmatically? If we can connect to SQL based database using SQL clients software applications such as dbeaver or pgadmin, what about local DynamoDB? Let’s see how we can set up DynamoDB admin UI.

Set Up DynamoDB Admin

As I’ve mentioned in the previous section, we don’t have an interface to interact with the database yet (other than programmatically). If you have used MongoDB locally before, probably you are quite familiar with mongo-express. DynamoDB Admin is pretty much the same and we’ll look at how to set it up in this section.

Install DynamoDB Admin using npm:

npm install -g dynamodb-admin

By running this command, you’ll have DynamoDB Admin globally installed. We’ll see how to leverage Docker to containerize all services we have later on.

After it was installed, you can run these commands:

# For Windows:
set DYNAMO_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000

# For Mac/Linux:
DYNAMO_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000 dynamodb-admin

By now, you can open a new tab and go to http://localhost:8001 (default port). If you use a different port to run DynamoDB, you should change port 8000 to your chosen port in the above commands.

This is how the admin app looks like:

Author’s Image

Pretty simple design right? Let’s create our first table.

Author’s Image

In the above image, I want to create a table named Movies. With partition key (hash attribute) Title and sort key (range attribute) ReleaseDate. These attributes compose what we usually call the primary key.

A bit explanation about these two attributes. Partition key is defined as an address in which partition a data point will be stored. It’s involving a hashing function that turns a raw value into a hashed value.

Note that partition keys can have a duplicate. It doesn’t necessarily unique if it’s combined with a sort key. If two or more data points have the same partition key, they all will be put in the same partition and sorted by the sort key.

You can play around with the admin app, like create an item, update, delete, scan and query.

Author’s Image

Initialize FastAPI App

The first common thing to do when starting a python project is setting up a virtual environment. You can do that by running this command.

python3 -m venv venv

Install dependencies related to FastAPI and DynamoDB:

pip install fastapi uvicorn boto3

As a starter, let’s write a template code in file.

You can run the server by running:


There we have it, three essential building blocks of our application. But it’s pretty tedious to manage three separate entities, therefore let’s make it way simpler by using docker-compose.

Simplify Development Process Using Docker Compose

Inside your project’s root directory, create a Dockerfile named admin.Dockerfile :

It serves as the Dockerfile for our admin application. Now, create a Dockerfile for the FastAPI application.

Next, create docker-compose.yaml

To run all these services, run this command.

docker-compose up

Write The Main Application Code

In this section, I’ll use Domain Driven Design (in simplified mode).

As a short explanation, basically we have layers of components. The business logic and domain specification are defined in the core. The outside components are attachable and changeable. Let’s say today you use PostgreSQL as your database, but later on, you think that DynamoDB is better for your current use cases. With this design pattern, you don’t have to change anything inside the core component. You can easily change or scale up your infrastructures without disturbing your already specified business logic.

Since this article is mainly focused on how to use DynamoDB. You can overlook the other components (domain and routers) other than the repository.

Let’s start with generating a table using a Python script and setting up a database resource using boto3. Create a Python file named

Run this Python script using this command:


Create a folder named internal with a file named

Now, it’s the repository. Create a folder named repository with a file named

Next, for the domain, routers and

Path: domain/
Path: router/

Up to this point, we have a database and the main application. Let’s try it and test some of its features. Run all services and go to http://localhost:5000/docs. With the auto-generated OpenAPI docs, you can create, update, delete, get all and get single data. Pretty much implementing basic CRUD operations.


NoSQL databases such as DynamoDB can give us flexibility that a common SQL based database can’t. With its schemaless design, we don’t have to worry about foreseeing what kind of columns are needed later on.

In this article, we focused on developing an application using local DynamoDB. Even though this is an appropriate first step, for obvious reasons you should use a managed service like AWS DynamoDB cloud version. We’ll take a look at how to move our local database to the cloud version in the next article.

Moving our local database to the cloud version here:

Thank you for reading. Happy coding!



Agus Richard
Nerd For Tech

Software Engineer | Data Science Enthusiast | Photographer | Fiction Writer | Freediver LinkedIn: