Master Digital Assistants with Conversation Designer

Victor Martin
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2021

The interface between machines and humans is moving towards humans. Computers are capable of keeping basic conversations in platforms as natural for humans as Instant Messengers: WhatsApp, Slack, Web chats, etc.

Digital Assitant

This technological shift is great news for those able to integrate their backends systems with chat-bots and put them in the hands of humans to interact with. If you are not doing it or are curious about how difficult to implement a chat-bot, you are about to discover it is actually straightforward.

I’m going to walk you through the steps to create a Digital Assistant Instance on Oracle Cloud as part of the Free Tier; and to create an advanced chat-bot able to talk about buying products, download manuals for those products, redirect the conversation into a call centre or check warranties for products.

15 minutes, that is all you need

Try it out

You can try it out in just a few minutes — no need to install or configure anything on your computer. Create an Oracle Digital Assistant chat-bot for free on Oracle Cloud.

Do you have an Oracle Cloud Account? If not, you can create one here:

Remember, Oracle Cloud does not charge you anything unless you explicitly request the upgrade to pay as you go. No problem.

Oracle Cloud Sign-up for free

Create a Digital Assistant Instance

Create an instance of Digital Assistant as part of your free credits as shown in the video:

Conversation Designer

Conversation Designer is a nice way to build a chat-bot by playing the role of the bot and human, creating a conversation example. All that information will be processed by Digital Assistant to create Intentions, conversation flow, entities and all the objects needed to train and deploy a fully functional Digital Assistant.

Check out the video where I show how to create a Digital Assistant Skill, some different tasks and subtasks. Feel free to follow along to jump-start with Oracle Digital Assistant:

Conversation Designer

Want to learn more?

If you like what you’re reading and interested in taking on some of these challenges with our team, do check out our free training sessions on many topics like Spatial and Graph, Document database, APEX, Digital Assistant, etc. The next event is

Check the next training

There are periodic free training sessions, around 1 hour long, done by experts and Oracle Cloud Advocates. These are instructor-led training. You can follow along with our team to solve your questions on the spot.

Join me on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Discord Channel for any question.

And keep tuned for more articles about the fantastic things you can build with Oracle Cloud.

I am Victor Martin, a Software Developer. I deploy on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Feel free to get connected with me on LinkedIn.

I am also interested in Scuba diving and space engineering. Happy to help, everything is easier than rocket science!



Victor Martin
Nerd For Tech

Principal Cloud Engineer. All opinions are my own. @OracleCloudInfrastructure