Mobile Games In Unity: Android Ready

Gerald Clark
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2021

I’ve now switched over from that sample scene I’ve been working in to the official game scene for this asset package. When you first open it up you’ll see a beautifully crafted level made using the same techniques we just went over in the previous articles. The power of Tilemaps is amazing!

I’m going to go over how to get this project set up for Android development. I’m going to go to “Build Settings” under “file”.

Find Android and click “switch platform”.

This will now set your target build to Android. This may take a few minutes. You may also experience some errors. Most of the time the errors are related to the correct version of the Android JDK being installed, or SDK issues.

For example, when I finished switching the platform I had an error for the correct SDK tools not being installed. My fix was to go to “Edit >> preferences>> external tools>> and then navigate to the “Android” section of the window. I just needed to check the box next to “Android NDK Installed with Unity (recommended). This made my error disappear.

You may have a different error depending on which version of Unity you’re on.

Now I’m all set up to being development on Android devices.

Now I’m going to change my Aspect Ratio. Im setting mine to 16:9 Landscape.

From here I’m good to go!



Gerald Clark
Nerd For Tech

Father Game Developer Music Composer Sound Designer