Mobile Games In Unity: Perspective vs Orthographic Camera: Parallax

Gerald Clark
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2021

In this article I want to go over a really cool way to bring this level to life using parallax. Right now when I move my camera on the X axis, the level moves, sure, but theres no depth. Its all moving by at the same time, but we obviously have different layers.

First I want to set my camera form an Orthographic projection to a Perspective projection.

Now the camera is zoomed in nice and close. This will be a good perspective for a mobile game since our focus will be on the player.

Now all I need to do is select each layer in the hierarchy and set their Z positions. The foreground layer will be 0, the background will be 1, and the far ground will be 3. Now when I move I get a really nice feeling of a parallax environment with plenty of depth for more realism.

In the next articles I’ll be covering how to set up the player and start building this game!



Gerald Clark
Nerd For Tech

Father Game Developer Music Composer Sound Designer