Mobile Project Progression Report: Level Design Part 1 Unity

Mohamed Hijazi
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2021

In the last progression report I showed a tease for the first tutorial level (Mobile Project Progression Report: Prototype Idea and Level Design Unity), today I finished the second level.

The second level continues from the 1st level where the player has entered into a dark cave in order to reach his castle.

In the caves the player will face two new enemies, the Drunk Skeleton and the acid spitting spider whose acid is deadly.

I really thought about adding health regen or a health item in this level, but I wanted to keep it a little hard, if you die you have to restart the level. Although dying from a cliff is a little more forgiving where the player just respawns at the start of the level without respawning the enemies with him.

This might change if the prototype changes to a full game, maybe I can add a difficulty level where at higher difficulty enemies will respawn.

Finally I introduced the Shop Keeper, where the player must use him to buy an upgrade that will allow him to traverse the caves. Here the player must find the secret gems if they want to buy the upgrade thru in-game currency or else they will be presented with a Unity add to purchase the needed gems with real world money.

Here is a sneak peak into the second level.

Full Level
Shop Keeper
Quick Fly thru

Next and final level it might be a quick boss level before reaching the castle.



Mohamed Hijazi
Nerd For Tech

A knowledge seeking biologist who is following his passion into a full time career in Unity / Game Development.