Music Is Making You Eat More…Yes, Really.

Here’s how music influences our food and drinks intake. Food services, take note of this!

Pavle Marinkovic
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by life is fantastic from Unsplash

Have you found yourself in a bar with the music so loud you just couldn’t do anything else but drink (or eat)?

That’s what businesses hope you’ll do.

The louder the music the more drinks you’ll consume.


Music has its own way of influencing our behavior, let’s see how.

Listening to music while eating can increase your food consumption

When you eat in front of the TV you increase your food intake because it distracts you from feeling you’re full. Music can have a similar effect.

A study tracked people’s eating habits for 7 days. Each time they had a meal they had to fill out a brief survey about their food intake and environmental conditions. Plus, whenever they accompanied their meal with music, they answered some additional questions: “what’s the speed and volume of the music you listened to while eating?”

Results show that music increases the amount of food and beverage we consume for any kind of meal (either meal…

