MVVM — Bind views

An approach using vanilla Swift

Cristhian Leon
Nerd For Tech
3 min readMay 19, 2021


Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Hi developer. What I am about to show you is the way I normally hook ViewModel properties to the Views/ViewControllers using Swift. If your project is using SwiftUI and/or Combine, this is probably not relevant to you. However, the concept of binding views to property changes is quite similar. I’ll try to be as clear and concise as possible, so details such as adding UIViews to the hierarchy or DispatchQueues are looked over.

Before I go any further, a quick disclaimer — This is an approach I’ve found useful, that doesn’t mean it’s right or wrong whatsoever.

Said that, these are the actors we’re going to see throughout this post:

  • M — Person
  • V — ViewController
  • VM — ViewModel

The feature to build consists of fetching the person’s information and displaying it on the labels — this concept can be extrapolated to any kind of views, tables, collections, etc. The following is the rudimentary implementation of an MVVM pattern.

For further details on how MVVM works, here’s a nice post [link]

Let’s say ViewModel needs to fetch the person’s information from an API or any external service(which I am not delving into in this post) for the sake of this post, we’re hard-coding it. Once the data is retrieved, the ViewModel executes the block onPersonChanged to notify the view that the data has been updated.

This means, the ViewController needs to set that block we mentioned above, so when the person’s information changes, the view can “refresh” the UI component values.

The function refreshUI simply takes a person and sets the values to the labels. On the other hand, the addObservers function sets the callback for when the person data updates.

Thus far, this implementation has nothing bad at all, however, when the view grows, the refreshUI function will be called even when some values haven’t changed, besides, testing can be complicated.

That’s why my plan now is to single out every property of the viewModel to have full independence and gain testability.

Now you might be wondering — what is that Dynamic class? Well, this is the whole point of this post. Dynamic is a generic class that allows us to react to changes in its value. That means, ViewController can observe changes on a dynamic property of the ViewModel, then act upon it, but first, let’s see class.

As you can see, it’s a very simple, yet powerful class that executes the blocklistener whenever the value has been set. Dynamic also exposes a function called bind to set that listener. Let’s now see how the ViewController hooks to the ViewModel properties.

Thanks for reading. I hope you have enjoyed this small piece of code, and if it was useful for you, don’t be shy to 👏 on this article. See you next time.



Cristhian Leon
Nerd For Tech

Professional iOS Developer with a passion for building performant, elegant apps — Golang enthusiast.