My Data Structures and Algorithms Interview Experience - Lessons Learned and Knowledge Gained

Nipuni Premadasa
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2024

Hey there, fellow code enthusiasts and job seekers! 👋

I recently went through an entry-level software engineer interview, and let me tell you, it was quite the experience. I recently shared my OOP interview experience in a previous blog post. You can find the link to that article here. 👇
🔗My OOP Interview Experience — Lessons Learned and Knowledge Gained

Today, I want to share some of the questions I faced with you, particularly those related to data structures and algorithms. I’ll be honest, I stumbled on a few of these during the interview, but I’ve since done my homework. So, let’s dive in and learn together 🤝!

Q1: Do you know data structures?

I’m sitting there, palms sweaty, when the interviewer drops this question. My brain goes, “Uh… arrays! And… um… linked lists!” Then it decides to take a sudden vacation. 🏖️

Looking back, Here’s what I should have said,

Data structures are fundamental ways to organize and store data in a computer for efficient access and manipulation. They can be mainly categorized into two types,

  1. Linear data structures - Elements are stored sequentially.
    Examples: Arrays, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists
  2. Non-linear data structures - Elements are not in any sequence but are arranged hierarchically.
    Examples: Trees, Graphs

Each type has its own use cases and efficiency trade-offs. It’s crucial to choose the right data structure based on the specific requirements of your problem.

Q2: What’s the difference between an array and a LinkedList?

This question really gets into the details of two basic but important data structures. Here’s a breakdown,


  • Stored in contiguous memory locations
  • Fixed-size (in most programming languages)
  • Fast access to elements by index
  • Inefficient for insertions and deletions, especially in the middle

Linked Lists

  • Elements (nodes) can be stored anywhere in memory
  • Dynamic size, can grow or shrink easily
  • Efficient for insertions and deletions
  • Slower access to arbitrary elements (need to traverse the list)

Let me break it down for you with a fun analogy 😉

Arrays are like a row of lockers in a school. Each locker (element) is right next to the other, and you know exactly where each one is. But what if you need to add a new locker in the middle? you’re out of luck! 😪

LinkedLists, on the other hand, are like a scavenger hunt. Each item gives you a clue (memory address) to find the next one. They could be scattered all over the school, but they’re all connected. Want to add a new item? Just stick it anywhere and update the clues! 🥳

Here’s a real-world scenario I learned about,

Imagine you need 5,000 slots to store data. With an array, you need 5,000 contiguous memory locations. If your computer’s memory is fragmented, you might run into trouble. But with a LinkedList? No problem! It can use free memory spaces wherever they are, like a champ.

Q3: You need to store a list of names. What do you choose: Array or LinkedList? Why?

In the hot seat 🤯, I quickly said “LinkedList!”. My reason was, that if we fill up an array and need to add more names, we’re stuck. With a LinkedList, we can keep adding as long as there’s memory available.While that’s not wrong, the following approach is more effective.

The choice depends on the specific requirements,

  • If you know the maximum number of names and it won’t change often, an array might be more efficient due to its faster random access.
  • If the list of names is constantly changing (frequent additions/removals), a LinkedList could be better.
  • Consider factors like memory usage, access patterns, and performance requirements of your application.

Remember, in software engineering, there is often no single solution that works perfectly for every situation. Different problems may require different approaches or tools.

Q4: If an array is full and you need to add a new element, how do you do it?

It’s like trying to squeeze an extra person into a full elevator, you need a bigger elevator! 🤔

Here’s the step-by-step process,

1. Create a new array with a larger size.
2. Copy all elements from the original array to the new one.
3. Add the new element to the first available position in the new array.
4. Update any references to point to the new array.

This process is often handled automatically by dynamic array implementations in higher-level languages (like ArrayList in Java or List in Python).

Q5: Do you know sorting algorithms?

I mentioned merge sort and after that, my brain decided to play hide and seek with this information during the interview 😅. But fear not, I’ve since found it!

Here’s a quick overview of some common sorting algorithms:

  • Bubble Sort — Like sorting a deck of cards by comparing and swapping adjacent cards.
  • Selection Sort — Finding the smallest card and moving it to the front, repeat.
  • Insertion Sort — Building a sorted hand of cards one card at a time.
  • Merge Sort — Splitting the deck, sorting each half, then merging them back together.
  • Quick Sort — Picking a ‘pivot’ card and arranging all others around it.

Each algorithm has its own time complexity and use cases. For example, QuickSort is often faster in practice, while MergeSort guarantees O(n log n) time complexity in all cases.

Q6: Why do we use sorting?

Sorting is a fundamental operation in computer science for several reasons,

  • It makes searching more efficient (enables binary search on sorted data).
  • It helps in organizing and presenting data in a meaningful way (imagine a phone book in random order 😱).
  • Many algorithms become more efficient when working with sorted data.
  • It’s essential for certain operations like finding the median or detecting duplicates.

Q7: Do you know searching algorithms?

This question threw me for a loop 😬, but here’s what I found out.

Searching algorithms are used to find a specific element in a collection of data. The two most common types are,

  • Linear Search — Checks each element in sequence until a match is found or the end is reached. O(n) time complexity.
  • Binary Search — Works on sorted arrays by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. O(log n) time complexity.

There are also more advanced searching algorithms like hash-based searches and tree-based searches, each with its own pros and cons depending on the data structure and problem at hand.

What a journey through the land of data structures and algorithms. While I may have stumbled during the interview, I’ve come out stronger and wiser. 💪 Remember, it’s not about having all the answers, it’s about understanding the concepts and knowing when to apply them.

Now it’s your turn! 🫵 Have you faced similar questions in interviews? Do you have any clever analogies for these concepts? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other. 🤗

Stay tuned for more posts about my interview adventures. Until then, keep coding, keep learning, and may your algorithms always terminate! 💻🚀




Nipuni Premadasa
Nerd For Tech

Undergraduate at Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa | Former Trainee Software Engineer at Embla Software Innovation(PVT) Ltd., Sri Lanka