Navigator Clipboard API

Support of Async clipboard APIs in major browsers

Vishnu Sandhi
Nerd For Tech
3 min readSep 12, 2021


Photo by Monstera from Pexels

The clipboard is a space to store data temporarily. These API’s are used to develop cut, copy and paste functionalities in apps. Navigator Clipboard browser API’s are used to write various data to the clipboard and also read the clipboard data. These are natively available in all major browsers (Chrome, Safari and Firefox) with different levels of support.

Navigator Clipboard APIs

Supported Mime Types

Mime type defines the type of the data. These are specified while writing and reading clipboard to indicate the kind of data. These are commonly supported MimeTypes .

  1. text/plain, Text format , Supported in all browsers
  2. text/html, HTML format, Supported in all browsers
  3. image/png, Graphics format, Supported in all browsers
  4. text/uri-list, List of Urls, Supported only in Safari.
  5. “web text/*”, Web custom format, Supported only in Chrome
  6. “web application/*”, Web custom type , Supported only in Chrome


Supported Browsers

All major browsers ( Chrome, Firefox & Safari)

Use cases

Copy to Clipboard button.


Supported Browsers

  1. Chrome and Safari.
  2. Firefox supports from version 126. Before the version it supports by setting asyncClipboard flags to true. These configs are will be available by browsing about:config.

Use cases

  1. Context Menu Copy
  2. Writing images to clipboard


ClipboardItems array is passed as argument to the clipboard.write. Blobs are used to create clipboard items.

Errors encountered


The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission.

This can happen for multiple issues.

  1. Clipboard write happening after transient activation. If there is a delay in user action and writing to clipboard by more than 1 sec. ( Safari supports returning Promise and resolving blobs for clipboard items to avoid this issue).


Document is not focused

This error happens in Chrome when there is delay in writing to clipboard and user is not focusing on the window.

Chrome, Firefox

Type {mimeType} not supported on write

This error happens in Chrome when the mimeType that is written is not text, html or image.

Safari also supports the creating of the clipboardItem using promises for blobs. This is helpful in cases when the data to be written has to be fetched from server.

Safari Promise return for ClipboardItem blobs

navigator.clipboard.readText and

Supported Browsers

  1. Chrome, Safari
  2. Firefox supports from version 126. Before the version it supports by setting asyncClipboard flags to true. These configs are will be available by browsing about:config.



Read permission denied

On there is a prompt to allow Clipboard access. This error comes if the user clicks on block clipboard access when the prompt shows up.

No valid data on clipboard.

This error shows up when there is no text, html or images in clipboard and contains some other data types or empty clipboard.


The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission

  1. On if the clipboard data is not from the same browser button, there is an extra paste button shown in Safari. If this is not clicked this error is thrown.
  2. This will be shown when there we tried to call in events like context menu.



Vishnu Sandhi
Nerd For Tech

UI Developer who likes to learn and build things for humans.