Neighborhood, Connections, and Connected Components

A brief explanation of these 3 terms that form the basis of relation— similarity analysis for different subjects like Region Growing, an algorithm used in Image Segmentation

Yağmur Çiğdem Aktaş
Nerd For Tech



The neighborhood of a pixel is simply the pixels that touch it. We examine neighborhood in 3 categories:

4- Neighborhood

Here, we talk about the pixels touching in 4 directions top, right, bottom, and left.

Pixel p and its 4-neighborhood “Image by Author”

d- Neighborhood

Here, we talk about the pixels touching only in diagonal corners.

Pixel p and its d-neighborhood “Image by Author”

8- Neighborhood

Here, we talk about all the pixels touching, including 4 and d-neighbors

Pixel p and its 8-neighborhood “Image by Author”


Connectivity is a measure that looks at the similarity between neighbor pixels. Thus, to have a connection between…

