Nerd For Tech — Community Updates | Week 04


Editorial Team
Nerd For Tech
2 min readDec 26, 2021


Series of Content

  1. What happened in the last week?
  2. What challenges did we face?
  3. What positives did we experience?
  4. What’s the plan for this week

What happened in the last week?

  1. The complete process for those who’re looking to gain confidence in speaking skills while interacting professionally or appearing for the interviews. We’re calling this event — Nerd For Tech — Soft Skill Club Event | 3.5 Mins Call
  2. We were being reached out by companies & individuals who have opportunities for the ones who write for our medium publication. We have decided to set up a process, so our publication writers can have more opportunities in the future.

What challenges did we face?

  1. We haven’t found any enthusiastic young personas who want to join the community team.
  2. We haven’t been able to structure the free learning resources for our ELA framework, which are being delayed for the last 3–4 weeks.

What positives did we experience?


What’s the plan for this week?

  1. To release the processes & plan to implement the It’s Me in our soft skills club at Slack community.
  2. To work on a process to host the weekly QnAs with professionals.
  3. To structure the learning resources on the web.
  4. To iterate over the design of ELA. We want to make it more efficient to showcase what objective we’re trying to achieve while implementing ELA.
  5. To implement the process to open a work opportunity door for our writers.

If you have any suggestions or ideas or feedback. Don’t hesitate & get in touch via mail( or DM us over LinkedIn or join our slack community & send a message in the #02_suggestions channel.

Photo by rizki rama28 on Unsplash


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Editorial Team
Nerd For Tech

Empowering writers by building an ecosystem of Collaborators. Connect with us over LinkedIn