Nerd For Tech — Soft Skill Club Event | 3.5 Mins Call

Know yourself & shape yourself in the process

Editorial Team
Nerd For Tech
4 min readDec 21, 2021


Written by Harsh Mittal, Founder, Nerd For Tech

The purpose of this club is to build a culture where those who feel low on confidence when it comes to expressing themselves can shape their skills & those who have overcome the fear of speaking & mastered the art of storytelling can help our friends.

Photo by Tezos on Unsplash

If you haven’t check out the last blog where we discussed the initiative in detail. Here’s the link. For those, who want to get on a 3.5 mins call with me, show your desire & determination & don’t miss out on any information.

This whole process will be divided into 2 Phases. Why? Because I don’t want to make this process easy & frictionless. I have had this experience where students want to engage in such initiatives, but they don’t give their 100% & show their irresponsible nature which breaks the entire drive.

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Phase I — Do you know yourself?

Photo by Jonas Stolle on Unsplash

Here are some series of questions, which you have to answer. In case you don’t have an answer, you have to find it by spending your time & energy. The purpose of these questions is to push you to think & bring more clarity about your strengths & challenges which you face.

Once you have all the answers, join the slack community & post the answers in the #12_soft_skills channel, which is an official club for those who’re interested in joining the Soft Skills club.

You can take as much time as you want. There are no constraints of any type, just remember to give 120%, it’ll showcase your desire to learn & grow.

Photo by Mikel Parera on Unsplash
  1. Introduce yourself to the club & tell us the most interesting or aspiring thing which you have done, or want to do? In case you do not want to share your ambitions, you can just introduce yourself briefly (Name, Country, Your current area of interest/expertise)
  2. Which challenges have you faced whenever you get an opportunity to speak in public or to someone professionally? Check out the article attached above, where we have mentioned some pointers. If there are any other situations, you have to include them as well.
  3. What steps have you taken to overcome the above challenges?
  4. Now I want you to go through the tips & practices mentioned in the above-attached blog. Write down those points as your thoughts. I want to see, how have you perceived them & how well you can express yourself.
  5. Now I want you to do 20 pushups…I can see you, pal, don’t cheat
Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

I was kidding, go to & send a connection request to the one with whom you want to get associated in the future (On an idea, project, whom you admire, for any reason). Attach a personal note while sending out the connection request & share the snap of a note with either me (Harsh Mittal) or Team Nerd For Tech personally in DM on Slack. I just want to see how do you express yourself when you have a restriction on words you can use in a message.

In case that person is not on LinkedIn, you can imagine & send a personal note in text over DM, assuming we’re that person.

Phase 2 — Let’s catchup

Once you’re done with this exercise, send the responses on the club channel (#12_soft_skills) & let’s catch up on Sunday. I’ll ping you up on Slack & we can schedule a 3.5 mins call.

At the end of a call, I’ll send feedback based on these responses & based on the conversation we’ll have over Zoom. Now I’ll hand it over to Team Nerd For Tech, so they can end this blog here.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

If you have any suggestions or ideas or feedback. Don’t hesitate & get in touch via mail( or DM us over LinkedIn or join our slack community & send a message in the #02_suggestions channel over slack.


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Nerd For Tech

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