NestJs: Firebase Auth secured NestJs app using PassportJs

Vikash Kumar
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readMay 20, 2021

PassportJs is one of the best authentication middleware libraries for NodeJs applications. It supports more than 500 authentication strategies including the most common strategies like username-password, Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Its flexibility and ease of integration puts it at the topmost priority when selecting a authentication middleware library for NestJs apps.

If you are using Firebase for your authentication needs, you can use the ‘passport-jwt’ strategy provided by PassportJs. Follow the steps below to know how.

Step#1: Create a Firebase Project

Create a Firebase project and add a web app.

Follow the steps here.

Step#2: Create a NestJs app

Create a NestJs project. I prefer to use Nest CLI for the same. If you do not have Nest CLI, download the package through NPM using the command:

$ npm install -g @nestjs/cli

To create a NestJs app (I am naming my project ‘firebase-auth’; give any name of your choice), open a console in your preferred folder, and run the command:

$ nest new firebase-auth
Create new NestJs project

Step#3: Install PassportJs dependencies

As we know that Firebase generates JSON Web Token (JWT) on authentication, we would be needing ‘passport-jwt’ along with other passport dependencies. Console into the project directory and install these dependencies:

$ npm install @nestjs/passport passport passport-jwt
$ npm install --save-dev

Step#4: Identify your secretKey

passport-jwt requires a ‘secretOrKey’ to verify token’s signature. Firebase uses 2 public keys available here to sign the payloads (refer Firebase doc). The key to be used is identified by the ‘kid’ parameter in the decoded header of a Firebase JWT. Follow these steps to identify your ‘secretOrKey’:

a) Go to and decode your JWT. This will give you a keyId.

decode any Firebase JWT

b) Search for this keyId here to obtain a public certificate which would be your ‘secretOrKey’:

Search for your signing signature

Step#5: Create an Auth Strategy

Open the project in your favorite IDE. Create a folder, say ‘auth’ inside src. Create your auth strategy extending from passport-jwt strategy. Use the public certificate obtained in the previous step as ‘secretOrKey’. Also, define a validate callback to receive the verified payload as below.

AuthStrategy powered by passport-jwt
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken()

(required) directs passport to extract JWT from Authentication header as bearer.

secretOrKey: “<CERTIFICATE>”

(required) specifies the secretKey to verify the JWT’s signature.

async validate(payload) {}

This overridden function ‘validate’ lets you accept the decoded payload and return a custom user object (queried from DB?). This returned object is set to the express request’s ‘user’ field.

Step#6: Provide your Auth Strategy for DI

Provide the AuthStrategy in your AppModule.

AuthStrategy provided in AppModule

Step#7: Enable AuthGuard for your API

Create a controller and enable passport AuthGuard with ‘jwt’ strategy to hook with your API.

Controller with passport AuthGuard with ‘jwt’ strategy

Here in the controller method, I am reading the user field from the express request.

Step#8: Create users on Firebase

Create users on Firebase. Also, create any client (VueJs client example) to accept firebase login and obtain a valid firebase idToken. Use this idToken as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of your API calls.

Create a firebase user

Step#9: Run app and verify

Run you application and verify.

$ npm run dev
Incorrect/expired JWT


Firebase auth in NestJs using Middleware & firebase-admin -> here.



Vikash Kumar
Nerd For Tech

A passionate coder, technology enthusiast, tutor and continually falling in love with JavaScript. Currently exploring latest JS frameworks and Flutter.