Not Just ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ 🤘🏻

Club Incentify
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2021

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Happy Friday People!

Earlier this week, former Pink Floyd frontman and lead songwriter Roger Waters appeared at a recent New York City event at the People’s Forum to advocate for the release of Julian Assange: the WikiLeaks founder who is imprisoned in London.

On stage, Waters Waters produced a printed page of a message he said he had received “on the Internet” that morning from Facebook Founder and CEO- Mark Zuckerburg. Going on to further clarify, Waters said 👇🏻

“It’s a request for the rights to use my song ‘Another Brick in the Wall 2’ in the making of a film to promote Instagram. “So it’s a missive from Mark Zuckerberg to me, right? Arrived this morning with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money.

And the answer is ‘F*** you!’ he added as the crowd cheered. ‘No f***ing way!’ “I only mention that because it’s the insidious movement of them to take over absolutely everything.

So those of us who do have any power, and I do have a little bit — in terms of the control of the publishing of my songs I do, anyway, so I will not be a party to this bullshit, Zuckerberg.”

Check out the chilling video of Waters absolutely going at the Facebook Founder and CEO, right here 👇🏻

It still amazes me that Facebook went from a college dorm’s social network to rate women, to this all expansive Big Tech platform that controls and dictates the rules of how information and media move on the internet, along with being the favorite scapegoat of government regulators and political activists, all in under 2 decades.

Speaking further on the content of the request from Zuckerburg, Waters went on to narrate:

‘We want to thank you for considering this project. We feel that the core sentiment of this song is still so prevalent and necessary today, which speaks to how timeless a work …,’

Visibly irate from what he felt were shallow words from Zuckerburg, he said:

“And yet they want to use it to make Facebook and Instagram even bigger and more powerful than it already is so that it can continue to censor all of us in this room and prevent this story about Julian Assange getting out to the general public so the general public could go, ‘What?! What? No. No more.’

Zuckerberg at a Congressional hearing against Facebook

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I could go on sharing his quotes from that event, but you guys get the point.

He REALLY hates Facebook and is yet another on the list of famous personalities that vehemently oppose it for its centralized mechanism of deciding on censorship of the platform.

However, this is not the first time that Waters has been a vocal activist for a particular cause.

Whether is it his controversial support of a cultural boycott of Israel in response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or being vociferously anti-Trump and anti-Brexit, Waters has never shied away from yielding his popularity to get his opinions across.

Waters has held a controversial opinion to ‘Boycott Israel’

His biggest activism act yet?

In November 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, and in July 1990, Waters staged one of the largest and most elaborate rock concerts in history, The Wall — Live in Berlin, on the vacant terrain between Potsdamer Platz and the Brandenburg Gate.

The show reported an attendance of 200,000, though some estimates are as much as twice that, with approximately one billion television viewers 🤯

Check it out here 👇🏻

Waters used an East German symphony orchestra and choir, a Soviet marching band, and a pair of helicopters from the US 7th Airborne Command and Control Squadron.

‘The Wall’ in the concert was 25 meters tall and 170 meters long and was built across the set, and Scarfe’s inflatable puppets were recreated on an enlarged scale.

It truly marked the dawn of a new era in globalization, and Waters had to be there to flag it off 🏁

If there’s someone who’s surely not just ‘ Another Brick in the Wall’, it has to be Roger Waters.

One of a kind 🤘🏻

Originally published at

