Oracle SQL With Function clause

Martien van den Akker
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2023

It’s been around for a while: the with-clause in Oracle SQL. And indeed, I used it in the past. The with clause is very useful to modularize your SQLs, especially in views.

The first time I used it, I had a case that I did not know how to solve, without the With-clause. It was around the time (in about 2018) when I forced myself to get familiar with ANSI-SQL.
Anyway, I fell sort of in love with the with-clause, so I used it also in cases where it was not necessary. But, it looked neat. And it modularized my queries.

The With-clause can be seen as an inline view. That then can be referenced in different parts of your query, as a join view, or in a sub-query.

From 12c onward, you can also use it for PL/SQL functions. I knew this was possible, but haven’t used it before. And didn’t know since when it is supported. Googling around, I found this video from Tim Hall: WITH Clause: PL/SQL Declaration Section in Oracle Database 12c. And who can better explain it than he?

My Case

Now, in my case I wanted to check if a check constraint already existed, to make a DDL script re-entrant. The problem is that even in 19c, the SEARCH_CONDITION column in the user/all_constraints view still has long as a datatype.

And Oracle SQL can’t handle long. Even a substr function around it does not help.

Provided that the content of the long column does not exceed 32KB, you can use a function to transform it to a varchar2:

function get_search_condition( p_cons_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2
l_search_condition user_constraints.search_condition%type;
select search_condition into l_search_condition
from user_constraints
where constraint_name = p_cons_name;

return l_search_condition;

I found this query on the question I’m trying to search a long column with like, but Oracle complains.

Using the with-clause you can use it easily in an SQL-Query:

with function get_search_condition( p_cons_name in varchar2 ) return varchar2
l_search_condition user_constraints.search_condition%type;
select search_condition into l_search_condition
from user_constraints
where constraint_name = p_cons_name;

return l_search_condition;
select constraint_name
from (
select constraint_name
, get_search_condition(constraint_name) search_condition
from user_constraints
where table_name = 'ORCL_PROJECTS'
and constraint_type = 'C'
where search_condition like '%ORCL%_ID%IS NOT NULL%'

Neat, right?

However, one could notice my query looks for a NOT NULL-constraint. That search condition would not exceed the 4000 characters. So, you could think of the SEARCH_CONDITION_VC column in the all_constraints view. Mind that this may truncate the search condition. In my case the query could be a bit simpler:

select substr( search_condition_vc, 1, 4000 ) 
from user_constraints
where table_name = 'ORCL_PROJECTS'
and constraint_type = 'C'
and search_condition_vc like '%ORCL%_ID%IS NOT NULL%'


Although I love the With-clause, I found some points I wanted to share:

  • Use with-clauses to share code within a view or to modularize your query significantly. Or in cases when not using a with-clause makes your query question hard or seemingly impossible to solve.
  • Move with-subqueries that are the same are exactly the same, or very similar to with-clauses in other views into a separate view.
  • Try to merge With-subqueries that aren’t used as a direct source for columns, but only used as a source or join for another (one) query and not shared. Provided that the merged query is not significantly more complicated.
  • Use with-clauses for subqueries and PL/SQL functions when you can’t create them as standalone objects because you can’t modify the database schema.
  • Standalone functions and views improve reuse and are easier to document. And I read in Tim Hall’s article WITH Clause Enhancements in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) that a standalone function with the pragma UDF (User Defined Function) may outperform an in-line with-function.
  • Avoid using stand-alone functions and procedures. Use functions and packages instead.


Yes, it turned out that I did not need the WITH-function clause in the end. But, it was fun to play with it. And I’m happy to have it in my toolbox. At least, it led to a new article.

So, as we say in Dutch: “Take advantage of it” (“Doe er je voordeel mee”)!




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Nerd For Tech

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Martien van den Akker
Martien van den Akker

Written by Martien van den Akker

Technology Architect at Oracle Netherlands. The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Oracle

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