Please human, can you teach me how to AI?

Fabio Veronese
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readSep 10, 2020


How can we obtain an AI -whatsoever intelligent- to be human-like, or how can we humans teach an Artificial General Intelligence to be itself?

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In the exploding era of computing (ubiquitous, mobile, quantum or whatever suits you better) there’s still a sacred Graal we struggle to reach without success, even if we look closer every Moore’s law step we advance: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Back in 2010 or so, in my days as Bioengineering MSc at University, I had my 10 minutes epiphany. I suddenly pictured that, some day, a reinforcement learning implementation general enough on a hardware powerful and beautiful enough might have led to a so-called strong artificial intelligence or artificial general intelligence. Indeed for those who do not chew machine learning at breakfast, this may look something really cool, but moving to a more concrete reality my realization was much more pragmatic.

Narrow Artificial Intelligence

In “traditional” Artificial Intelligence approaches, you pick for a task (the one you think it is worthy enough to be tackled) and put in place a supervised learning technique. This means you take some pre-computed couples of problem data and related results, you put an AI to sit and learn them, and you expect it to generalize so to solve correctly a new…



Fabio Veronese
Nerd For Tech

Team Leader, Software Engineer, Bioengineering MSc and Information Engineering PhD. Former researcher, observing reality and imagining future.