Coffee Data Science

Rebuking Fines Migration in Espresso

A collection of articles on the topic of Fines Migration

Robert McKeon Aloe
Nerd For Tech


The theory that fines migrate in espresso has been prevalent for years, but the discussion has been largely theoretical. As part of my desire to test and challenge all the assumptions of espresso, I went down the rabbit hole of understanding fines migrations.

I concluded fines don’t migrate much, and here is the body of work I have used to rebuke the theory.

Summary in Video:

Reviewing Previous Data:

A Peer Review of the Origin of the Fines Migration Theory

Articles in chronological order:

Fines don’t migrate during an Espresso Shot

Debunking Fines Migration in Espresso

Coffee Grounds Swell with Water

The Death Knell to Fines Migration

Glow in the Dark Espresso in Search of Fines Migration

Cross-Sectional Espresso Puck Slicing

Fines Migrate in Espresso, but Not Far: Part 1

Fines Migrate in Espresso, but Not Far: Part 2

Fines Migrate in Espresso, but Not Far: Part 3

Measuring Coffee Fines Using Water

Fines Migrate in Espresso: Stronger Evidence



Robert McKeon Aloe
Nerd For Tech

I’m in love with my Wife, my Kids, Espresso, Data Science, tomatoes, cooking, engineering, talking, family, Paris, and Italy, not necessarily in that order.