Responsive design with React & Chakra-UI

David Dikman
Nerd For Tech
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2023


It is standard practice now to design for both desktop and mobile.

Your website likely has a substantial user base on both platforms, although it varies from service to service. You will want to provide at least a usable experience regardless of platform.

In this article, you will learn how to write responsive pages with the chakra design system for ReactJS. It is one of many modern frameworks that has support for responsive design.

What is Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a popular open-source UI component library for React-based web applications with components for creating modern and responsive user interfaces. By providing solutions for many everyday needs, Chakra UI speeds up development.

Chakra UI is only one of many frameworks that helps build responsive designs. Also, check out the Material UI Breakpoints and Tailwind CSS breakpoint prefixes. Both of these also provide solutions in slightly different ways.

Although this article covers Chakra UI, I prefer the Tailwind approach to responsive design. It uses CSS class prefixes which are concise while still readable. And as Tailwind is a stand-alone CSS framework and works on HTML elements, you can combine it with other frameworks. In comparison, the responsive properties in Chakra UI are only…



David Dikman
Nerd For Tech

Full-stack developer and founder. Writing here and at Currently open for contract work.