Software Development Trends to Follow in 2024

Adelina Martin
Nerd For Tech
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2024

Staying overhauled with the latest trends in software development is quite essential for different reasons in today’s technical era.

Developers can cultivate a competitive attitude in the industry if they are aware of the latest trends. If they can understand modern methodologies, they can get more confidence to deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Moreover, software trends have significant benefits in the market. But, one has to stay updated with these trends to leverage complete advantage of them.

So, in this article, we will see some software development trends to follow in 2024 and upcoming years. Let’s dive in and explore more about the same.

Popular Software Development Trends in 2024

We have gathered the list of top software development trends to follow in this new year, and also in upcoming years.

5G is making its way in 2024

2024, is a new technical era with a strong 5G rollout. Experts anticipate that more than 1.4 billion devices globally will be connected to 5G by 2025, which is approximately 15% of the worldwide total.

5G is way ahead of 4G. It’s not just an update in 4G, but a whole new architecture that redefines and promises new ways of interaction and communication with the world.

This 5G technology leads to an improved user experience but accelerates the innovation growth in software development techs like Augmented Reality, IoT, and AI.

These facts prove that 5G’s future is brighter, and soon everyone will start adapting 5G shortly. So, start making your apps 5G ready to stay ahead of your competitors!

Adopting Low-code and No-code development

App or software development is repeatedly riddled with setbacks and errors. Approx 20% of software fails and approx 52% are challenged.

The process of software development is quite expensive. So, as a solution to most of these challenges, software companies have started using no-code/low-code development for a simplified project-creating process.

As growth is seen in low-code and no-code platforms, software development is becoming accessible to people with or without technical development experience.

This technology speeds up the building process of your app and shortens its development lifecycle. Hence, you can market your app sooner and look after its future growth.

Low-code and no-code platforms provide shortcuts to developers that make their task of developing different features easier.

KPGM says that the number of organizations that use this technology for development has nearly increased 3x more since the global pandemic.

If your knowledge isn’t that deep in the technical domain, do not worry, low-code and no-code technologies are at your service.

Integration of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is still growing, it’s progressing slowly and steadily. In this year, 2024, we might see the small beginnings of the integration of quantum computing in the domain of software development.

Quantum computing has the potential to solve huge problems that are next to impossible to solve using traditional computers. So, this technology will help in the enormous revolution of industries like crypto, simulations, and optimizations.

Cybersecurity-First development

As cyber threats and data breaches are becoming common, maintaining cyber security in your apps is becoming a priority for developers.

Software developers should have a ‘security-first’ mindset while developing any project. Using strong security measures in the whole software development life cycle is essential.

This process includes following safe coding practices, continuous monitoring, and vulnerability assessments.

Artificial Intelligence

AI, or Artificial Intelligence is no longer a buzzword, it’s an integral part of the majority of software that is being developed. In 2024, we can see AI-driven tools that assist developers in different ways. Such AI tools will help in automating repetitive tasks, make code, and help in debugging. AI-powered code review and testing tools will help you ensure qualitative code quality and speedier development cycles.

Blockchain used for Software Security

Blockchain isn’t limited to crypto. But in 2024, we will see its increase in use in software development for identity verification, secure data storage, & supply chain management.

Blockchain’s tamper-resistant nature will make it a useful tool for improving security in different apps.

Increase in Cloud Computing

Because of the COVID-19 increase, many industries faced a downfall, which resulted in the acceleration of cloud computing.

Many businesses expanded remote work during the pandemic, and the IT industry experienced a huge shift.

Cloud technology was a perfect alternative to help the firms that needed to adjust and shift to the increased demand of the new normal.

Even the pandemic showed the usefulness of cloud computing for companies who are looking to save some resources.

In 2020, though the IT domain spending decreased, spending on cloud technology increased by more than 6% of $258 billion.

Experts believe that this market will increase 2x in the upcoming years. Moreover, Accenture is also focused on acquiring many cloud technology companies. In 2020, they acquired Industrie Co and many other companies.

Also, Amazon has 32% of the market share in the field of cloud infrastructure and is proactively working to attract more people towards cloud computing.

IoT usage is on the rise

Here’s the list of the most popular IoT trends that one can expect to see in 2024:

  • The gap between the digital and physical worlds can be reduced using digital twins. It acts as a simulated, and interactive representation of the real-world alternatives.
  • As IoT and Machine Learning advance, businesses are looking for efficient ways to find huge amounts of data, as it eliminates the requirements for tedious manual processes.
  • You get a strong platform from Enterprise Metaverse for organizations through which you can leverage different innovative opportunities & easily integrate with services to easily interact with the real world.
  • As the number of IoT devices is increasing dramatically, cybercriminals are becoming active. To overcome this threat, companies are using specialized security techniques like blockchain and different modern approaches to ensure that their project data and user’s data remain safe.
  • Accepting automation in production is becoming a new trend, and it is expected to get stronger in 2024 and upcoming years.
  • From minimizing traffic congestion to improving security, governments are using powerful IoT solutions to make the common man’s life easier by optimizing the city infrastructure with modern technology.
  • By using personalized IoT gadgets in the healthcare domain, professionals will witness a strong revolution in the upcoming years. Using these gadgets, ailments can be detected at an early stage; resulting in timely treatment and better recovery chances.

Final Verdict

In the end, the software development environment will see some significant updates in 2024.

So, developers who accept and learn these trends and adapt to the ever-evolving technological landscape will be able to make efficient, innovative, and safe software for their future clients.

You can stay tuned here for the majority of technical updates made in everyday life that will be helpful for the year 2024 and beyond.

