Sorting Algorithms: Insertion Sort

Akiko Green
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2023


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Insertion Sort is a sorting algorithm that consumes an input element for each repetition and grows a sorted output. How this works is, at each iteration, the algorithm removes/ holds one element from the array, looks for the location it belongs to within the sorted list, and inserts that element back into the array at the correct sorted index.


  • Start by picking the second element in the array.
  • Compare the second element with the element before i. Swap if that second element is greater than the one before i.
  • Continue to the next element, and if it is in the incorrect order, loop through the sorted portion, (the left side) to place that element in the current place.
  • Repeat till array is sorted.

The Code With Comments

function insertionSort(arr){
//start looping at first index
for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++){
//assign a plae holder varible at the index of i to keep track f the value we are looking at
var currentVal = arr[i]…



Akiko Green
Nerd For Tech

Software Engineer, Novice Blogger, Indoor Climbing Cutie 🥰