Special Command that can be used in Ubuntu CLI

Sameera Wijesooriya
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2023

whoami — working user accounts

pwd- print working directory

cd — change directory

cd ~ -change directory (to the home directory from anywhere)

cd . -not change the directory

cd .. -go to the parent directory

cd ../. -not change go to parent directory

cd ../.. — to the parent directory of the parent directory

ls — The file & folder in the directory

ls -l -all details of The file & folder in the directory

ls -a — show hidden files in the directory

ls (start letter)*- The file & folder in the directory beginning with a particular letter

ls -al- all details of with hidden file & folder in the directory

opt-go to opt directory use software install

/etc -editable text configuration are stored here.

file (file name)-file or folder details

less (file name).tex -read the file.

mkdir (folder name) — create directory

rm (file name)- remove file

rm -r (directory)-remove directory

mv (old name) (new name) — rename file/folder

mv (source) (path)- move to file / folder

cp (source) (path)- copy to file

cp -r (source) (path)- copy to folder

touch (filename) — create file

nano (filename) — edit file

sudo — we can work as root in temporarily

sudo su — we can work as root in temporarily(powerful )

chmod (bit no) (file/folder)- change read/write/expansion permissions



Sameera Wijesooriya
Nerd For Tech

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