Take GitHub to the command line

Hari Sapna Nair
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2020
New GitHub CLI Beta Lets You Access GitHub Directly From Terminal

Using Git locally and exiting the terminal each time to check the status on the GitHub web app is really cumbersome. To solve this issue GitHub has come up with a command-line tool-GitHub CLI which will allow the users to run an entire GitHub workflow from their terminal.

We can use the “gh” command-line tool to interact with the hosted projects on GitHub and perform various other actions like looking at the issue list, making PRs, etc.


GitHub CLI beta version is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.

For windows

For Linux and macOS


Run this command to authenticate your GitHub account

$ gh auth login

Choose the appropriate options and get started.

Clone a repository

Clone the repository you want to work with using

$ gh repo clone owner/repo

View issue list

To view the issue list for the repository use,

$ gh issue list

Creating a PR

After adding a new feature or correcting a bug you can create a PR use this command

$ gh pr create

Other commands for PR

  • To check out the PR
$ gh pr checkout #PRno
  • To view the difference
$ gh pr diff
  • To review
# approve the pull request of the current branch
$ gh pr review --approve

# leave a review comment for the current branch
$ gh pr review --comment -b "interesting"

# add a review for a specific pull request
$ gh pr review 123
  • To check if all test are passed after the PR is approved
$ gh pr checks
  • To merge the PR
$ gh pr merge

That’s it from my side. I have covered some basic commands here.You can also refer the manual for more commands.I hope you enjoyed reading this article 😊.

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