The Future of Financial Data: REST, WebSocket, and the Ever-Present FIX Debate

Naga Chitrika
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2024

Uncover the shift: Will REST and WebSocket technologies outshine the FIX protocol in the evolving fintech landscape?

The fintech landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, with cutting-edge technologies redefining data delivery methods across banks, institutions, and trading platforms. A pressing question emerges amid this evolution: Will REST and WebSocket eclipse FIX, or is there room for coexistence and synergy? Let’s unravel this intricate web of financial protocols and explore the road ahead.

Comparison chart showing REST, WebSocket, and FIX protocols in fintech.
Chart comparing fintech communication protocols|Unsplash

Demystifying Data Delivery

To kick things off, let’s demystify REST and WebSockets — two dynamic players vying for the spotlight.

RESTful Wonders: The Representational State Transfer (REST) API operates on HTTP principles, facilitating straightforward request-response interactions ideal for low-latency workflows.

WebSocket Wizardry: Unlike their RESTful counterparts, WebSockets excel in bidirectional communication, establishing persistent connections and delivering real-time data streams crucial for time-sensitive applications.

The FIX Phenomenon

Enter the Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol, a stalwart in electronic communication since 1992. Renowned for its scalability and efficiency, FIX is the linchpin for B2B interactions among banks, financial institutions, and institutional traders. It offers a rich tapestry of messages and tags tailored for diverse financial workflows.

Navigating FIX’s Complex Terrain

While FIX’s benefits are undeniable, integrating it with REST and WebSockets presents challenges, necessitating meticulous planning, expertise, and execution. Despite the complexities, the rewards — such as enhanced liquidity algorithms and competitive advantages — are enticing, making FIX a coveted asset in the financial ecosystem.

WebSocket vs. FIX: A Comparative Analysis

Drawing distinctions between WebSocket and FIX reveals complementary strengths rather than outright superiority. WebSocket excels in real-time data streaming, fostering interactivity and responsiveness, whereas FIX specializes in structured, batch-oriented communication tailored for transactional processes.

Crafting the Ideal Technological Blend

As we navigate this technological maze, a harmonious blend of FIX’s reliability with REST/WebSockets’ agility emerges as the ideal solution for modern financial services. By leveraging a hybrid approach, institutions can optimize data delivery, streamline workflows, and enhance user experiences, striking a delicate balance between tradition and innovation.

Conclusion: A Multifaceted Future Awaits

In summary, while REST and WebSockets offer compelling advantages for real-time data delivery, FIX’s entrenched position and unique capabilities ensure its enduring relevance in the financial landscape. As technological boundaries continue to blur, adopting a flexible, hybrid approach tailored to specific requirements emerges as the cornerstone of success.

Partnering with TraderMade equips you with the tools, insights, and expertise to navigate this complex landscape effectively. By embracing a tailored data delivery strategy, you can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving fintech landscape.



Naga Chitrika
Nerd For Tech

Experienced fintech enthusiast with over 3 years of industry knowledge. Sharing ideas on technology in financial services and the latest innovations.