“The Paradox of Progress: How Technological Advances May Be Making Us More Lethargic”

Are We Trading Innovation for Inactivity? The Connection Between Technological Advancement and Human Laziness

Chinmay Bhalerao
Nerd For Tech
4 min readMar 28, 2023


Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” — Christian Lous Lange

Technology has been evolving at an unprecedented rate for the last few decades, and it has been a topic of debate as to whether this change has resulted in making human beings lethargic. With the introduction of newer technologies, people have started to rely more on machines and computers to accomplish tasks that were previously done manually. As a result, many argue that technology has made people lazier, leading to a sedentary lifestyle and health issues. This essay explores the impact of changing and updating technologies on human lethargy.

Advancements in technology have been one of the major reasons for the increase in sedentary lifestyles. With the rise of computers, smartphones, and other technological devices, people have started to spend more time sitting and staring at screens. This has led to a decrease in physical activity, which is a major contributor to lethargy. As a result, obesity rates have risen significantly in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue unless people become more physically active.

Furthermore, the convenience provided by technology has also contributed to human lethargy. With the advent of online shopping, food delivery, and home automation systems, people are no longer required to leave their homes to get things done. This means that people can get everything they need without ever having to step outside, which can lead to a lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, technological advancements have made it easier for people to work from home, reducing the need to commute to work. While this may seem like a positive development, it has also led to a decrease in physical activity and social interactions, which can contribute to lethargy.

“The human spirit must prevail over technology.” — Albert Einstein

However, it is important to note that technology has also made it easier for people to engage in physical activity. For example, fitness apps, wearable technology, and online workout videos have made it easier for people to exercise and stay active. Additionally, technology has made it easier for people to track their physical activity, which can be motivating for some individuals. Therefore, technology is not inherently bad when it comes to physical activity; it simply depends on how it is used.

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

Furthermore, technology has also contributed to mental lethargy. With the advent of smartphones and social media, people have become more reliant on technology for entertainment and social interactions. This has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, technology has made it easier for people to engage in passive activities, such as watching TV or scrolling through social media, which can lead to a lack of mental stimulation and contribute to lethargy.

On the other hand, technology has also made it easier for people to access information and engage in intellectual activities. With the rise of e-books, online courses, and educational apps, people have more opportunities than ever before to learn and engage in mental stimulation. Additionally, technology has made it easier for people to connect with others who share similar interests, leading to the formation of online communities that can provide social support and intellectual stimulation.

Moreover, the impact of changing and updating technologies on human lethargy also depends on the individual’s personality and motivation levels. While some individuals may become more lethargic with the introduction of new technologies, others may become more motivated to engage in physical activity or mental stimulation. For example, some individuals may be motivated to use fitness apps and wearable technology to track their physical activity, while others may prefer to engage in more traditional forms of exercise.

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

In conclusion, changing and updating technologies can have both positive and negative effects on human lethargy. While technology has made it easier for people to engage in passive activities and has led to a decrease in physical activity and social interactions, it has also made it easier for people to access information, engage in intellectual activities, and track their physical activities.

“We are becoming the servants in thought, as in action, of the machine we have created to serve us.” — John Kenneth Galbraith

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Chinmay Bhalerao
Nerd For Tech

AI-ML Researcher & Developer | 3 X Top writer in Artificial intelligence, Computer vision & Object detection | Mathematical Modelling & Simulations