The Revolutionary Blockchain Trends of 2022

Carson Wesley
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2022

Blockchain is an invention that has become popular along with a wide array of applications. The history of Blockchain dates back to 1991 when Stuart Huber and W Scott Stonetta first came up with the idea of a cryptographically secured chain of blocks. Blockchain came into prominence when a whitepaper was released on the model of Blockchain under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto implemented the popular bitcoin using the Blockchain model.

What is Blockchain?

Let us explain Blockchain in simple terms. Blockchain can be viewed as an advanced database with the facility for sharing data in a transparent manner within a business network. Similar to its name ‘Blockchain’ — blocks of data are chained together. The data is always consistent because it is impossible to modify the chain without the consensus of the network. Blockchain development services are ideally suited for tracking purposes created through an immutable ledger.

Blockchain surpasses traditional databases in many ways. Traditional database handling has its own problems. There is wasted effort in duplicated record keeping. It is vulnerable to fraud and cyber-attacks. The limited transparency slows the data verification process. We live in an IoT (Internet of Things) world, where data is humongous, which means it slows down business and affects the bottom line.

With Blockchain, you can vouch for greater trust through accurate and timely data accessed only by your member network. It offers greater security as data accuracy is achieved through consensus from the network as all validated transactions are recorded permanently and are immutable. To hasten transactions, a set of rules called smart contracts are stored on the Blockchain and executed.

The Blockchain Trends

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 is the future of the internet that we all wish to see. Presently, the internet is highly influenced by big corporations like Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon. The internet data is controlled and we only see the information controlled by them. The idea of Web 3.0 was founded by the Ethereum co-founder Gavin Wood who came up with the idea of an internet where power is decentralized. In a decentralized internet, everyone has the right to own and control information. Reports indicate the growth of web 3.0 supported by Blockchain technology. Blockchain development company put their efforts into developing the web 3.0 solution.


Metaverse gained traction after Facebook changed its name to Meta, and Microsoft becomes involved in Metaverse. Metaverse is a 3D universe revolving around the idea of virtual reality where users can play, interact and operate in a virtual environment. Metaverse is a powerful combination of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Blockchain technology. Platforms like Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and Second Life have been successful in integrating Metaverse with Blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency helps to build a digital economy wherein investors can use the tokens for purposeful means. Big tech firms like Facebook and Google are keen on this field and are likely to come up with innovative ideas.

Blockchain in Defi

In an era where everything is going digital, safety is the need of the hour. Decentralized Finance (Defi) has emerged as a trusted and safe way to empower the digital economy. At present, there is a wide range of Blockchain empowered applications in the finance and insurance sector. In the year 2022, we are likely to see more versions of security protocols in the Defi space.

Expansion of Cryptocurrencies Globally

There is rapid growth in the popularity of cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. The Covid 19 crisis led to the mainstream adoption of several digital currencies. El Salvador was the first country to adopt bitcoin legally to strengthen its payment network within the country. More countries are expected to join the cryptocurrency bandwagon. The governments emphasize on having a Central Bank Digital Currency which will lead to new avenues. The board is taking necessary steps to regulate the setup for operating digital currency.


The integration between Blockchain and IoT is set to bloom. IoT is a strong connection of digital devices facilitating the exchange of information. Experts indicate it is likely to cause machine-to-machine transactions. This concept will allow making payments through virtual currency. The advent of 5G will also promote innovation in this field with faster connectivity.


Blockchain development services have come quite a long way since Satoshi Nakamoto invented the model. Blockchain has a definite edge over traditional databases. More countries are likely to adopt cryptocurrency in the coming year. With big tech Blockchain development companies in this space, there is more innovation likely to happen. The successful run of Web 3.0, Metaverse, IoT and cryptocurrency using Blockchain development services shows the future belongs to decentralized resources.

