The Role of AI in Content Moderation

Rayan Potter
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readMay 26, 2021

In today’s world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next tech revolution. It is a defining technology of the 21st century that will transform the way businesses work and users interact with the data. Artificial Intelligence primarily aims at building smart machines and programs that are capable of performing complex tasks, which require human intelligence.

Owing to its capability of recognizing patterns and predicting outcomes, Artificial Intelligence has multitude of potential applications in various industries and sectors all over the world. We are seeing a growing number of enterprises turning to AI technologies to assist their operational efficiencies and improve their overall competitive advantage. AI and Machine Learning (ML) play an important role in our daily lives too. From facial recognition to smart assistants and from autonomous drones to interactive screens, the new-age technology offers endless possibilities for a digital revolution in the real world.

AI-powered technologies have made their mark on a lot of user-oriented services. Google leverages machine learning to predict the search intent of the users and offer them results with great accuracy. Amazon uses the same technology for product recommendations and logistics. Even self-driving cars apply various AI techniques to avoid collisions and traffic congestions. The importance of Artificial Intelligence can’t be argued — the technology has already changed and disrupted many industries and aspects of our daily lives.

AI in Content Moderation

In this digital era, everyday, billions of images, posts, tweets, blogs, reviews, testimonials, comments, videos are being created and shared on various social media sites, e-commerce sites, business websites and other communication channels. A lot of the above mentioned content is being generated by users(also termed as UGC or user-generated content) of these respective platforms; are often unregulated and requires continuous monitoring. They could contain potentially malicious contents such as abuses, pornographic images, nudity, racial slurs or other unwanted content. They are required to be moderated, filtered & removed for protections and preserving fundamental rights.

Artificial Intelligence is making a huge impact in digital content moderation, bringing a level of accuracy and precision that cannot be matched manually. With the help of machine learning and using algorithms to learn the existing data, it helps the content moderation teams or content moderators to review decisions for user-generated content. Moderation generally refers to the practice of monitoring submissions and applying a set of rules which define what can be accepted and what is not.

Although AI is an automation technique, the technology makes content moderation quick, error-free and accurate as compared to manual content moderation. Now, most businesses and companies are using AI in their content moderation to get rid of the issues of spamming or any other irrelevant content.

Also Read : What is AI Image Recognition & How Does it Work for Object Detection?

Organizations/businesses often follow an online content moderation workflow that uses moderation at one or both of two points mentioned below:

1. Pre-moderation: when content is moderated before publishing it.

2. Post-moderation: when content is moderated after publishing it.

Impact of AI in content moderation

AI technology can impact content moderation potentially in three ways

1. This technology can be used to increase the moderation accuracy by improving at the pre-moderation stage and flag the content for the review by human moderators.

Simple techniques like hash matching in which the fingerprint of an image is compared with harmful images stored in the database, and keyword filtering, in which certain harmful words can be flagged in order to remove that content. Apart from this, object detection and scene understanding can also be used to flag the harmful content.

2. AI can be used in training data to improve performance

AI techniques like ‘generative adversarial networks (GANs) can easily create new and original images, video, audio or text which are very useful flag the content which is harmful to users. These images can also be replaced with the existing samples when proper training is provided by an AI-based moderation system. This process will help to be accurate and decrease the dependence on anonymized content.

3. AI can assist human moderators

The power of AI can help human moderators to a great extent by increasing their productivity. This technology can help the human moderators to prioritize the content to be reviewed by them based on the level of harmfulness.

Content Moderation Services

As we all know the importance, impact and future of AI in content moderation, one should go for the content moderation services which provide accuracy and quality.

There are several types of moderation services which a company can provide.

1. Image moderation services

2. Video moderation services

3. Social media content moderation, etc

Anolytics gives all the content moderation services with quality and accuracy. The company uses top-quality content moderation software and human skills to make sure every content on the image/video/social media or at any other place is adherent to the guidelines and policy of the partner. Anolytics has skilled professionals who moderate contents on a real-time basis protecting the reputation of the brand and goodwill of the company. It also offers a customized solution with accuracy and dedicated resources within your budget.

