Thinking Recursively #2 in Python

Saravanan M
Nerd For Tech
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2021

This is my second article on how to think recursively in python. In my previous article, I’ve solved some basic recursive problems. In this article, we are going to solve 2 complex recursive problems which will improve the way you think recursively. Let’s get straight into that.

Photo by Grooveland Designs on Unsplash

Zig Zag Array

Given an array, tell whether the elements are in a zig-zag manner. Zig-Zag means the elements at an odd position should be smaller(or greater) than their adjacent elements.

If you look at the problem closely, our logic looks something like this

arr[0]<arr[1]>arr[2]<arr[3]>arr[4]….. (for low-high zig-zag array)
DOWN -- UP -- DOWN -- UP -- DOWN -- ...
def isZigZag(arr): 
return isUpDown(arr) or isDownUp(arr)

The reason why I’ve taken the logical or is the array is a zigzag array if it is either a high-low zigzag array or a low-high zigzag array.

Input: [1,5,2,4,1,6]

= isUpDown([1,5,2,4,1,6]) or isDownUp([1,5,2,4,1,6])
= False or isDownUp([1,5,2,4,1,6])
= isDownUp([1,5,2,4,1,6])
=((1<5) and isUpDown([5,2,4,1,6]))
=(True and (5>2 and isDownUp([2,4,1,6]))
=(True and (True and ( 2<4 and isUpDown([4,1,6])) )
=(True and (True and (True and (4>1 and isDownUp([1,6]))))
=(True and (True and (True and (True and (1<6 and isUpDown([6]))))
=(True and (True and (True and (True and (True and True))))#basecase
= True

We can combine the above two functions and write them recursively as,

Permutation of a List

I will tell you, how we can arrive at a pure recursive way of finding the permutation of a list( without backtracking). The method is not optimistic but it really makes you understand recursion.

Given a list {arr₀, arr₁,…. arrₙ}. We can find the permutation of the list

  1. If we have the permutation of the list starting from {arr₁,…. arrₙ}
  2. Then we insert arr₀ in all the positions of each of the permutation sub-arrays that we got from step 1. See the below example for better understanding,

Consider the list [1,2,3]

Step 1: Find the permutation of [2,3]. It is [ [2,3], [3,2] ]
Step 2: Insert 1 at all the positions of each of the permutation sub-arrays.
Permutation[0] = [2,3] //first sub-array of permutation([2,3])
Insert 1 at index 0 = [1,2,3]
Insert 1 at index 1 = [2,1,3]
Insert 1 at index 2 = [2,3,1]
#############################################Permutation[1] = [3,2] //second sub-array
Insert 1 at index 0 = [1,3,2]
Insert 1 at index 1 = [3,1,2]
Insert 1 at index 2 = [3,2,1]

This is how we can deduce the permutation of a list recursively.

First, let’s write a function interleave() that does only step 2.

Consider the input : arr = [2,3,4], elementTobeInserted = 1

Here’s how the call stack looks like, (you will surely understand the below explanation😊)

Below Indentations represent new call stacks

1. res = [1,2,3,4] #line 12, the possibility that we know for sure
head = 2
tail = [3,4]
#line 14 => interleave(elementToBeInserted,tail)
interleave(1, [3,4] ) will be called
res = [1,3,4]
head = 3
tail = [4]
#line 14 => interleave(1,[4])
res = [1,4]
head = 4
tail =[]
#line 14 => interleave(1,[])
returns [[1]] #base-case
otherPossiblitiesArr = [[1]]
add 4(head) to the front => [[4,1]]
otherPossiblitiesArr= [[1,4],[4,1]]
Add 3(head) to the front => [[3,1,4],[3,4,1]]
returns [[1,3,4],[3,1,4],[3,4,1]]
otherPossiblitiesArr = [[1,3,4],[3,1,4],[3,4,1]]
add 2(head) to the front => [[2,1,3,4],[2,3,1,4],[2,3,4,1]]
returns [[1,2,3,4],[2,1,3,4],[2,3,1,4],[2,3,4,1]]

I hope seeing the call stack will clearly tell you how the function works. Let’s code the permutation function which will use the above interleave() function to deduce all the permutations of the given list.

#call stack
>> head = 1
tail = [2,3,4]
tailPerm = permutation([2,3,4])
>>head = [2]
tail = [3,4]
tailPerm = permutation([3,4])
>>head = 3
tail = [4]
tailPerm = permutation([4])
returns [[4]] #base-case

loop 1: interleave(3,[4]) = [[3,4],[4,3]]
returns [[3,4],[4,3]]

loop 1: interleave(2,[3,4])= [[2,3,4],[3,2,4],[3,4,2]]
loop 2: interleave(2,[4,3])= [[2,4,3],[4,2,3],[4,3,2]]
returns [[2,3,4],[3,2,4],[3,4,2],

loop 1:interleave(1,[2,3,4]) = [[1,2,3,4],[2,1,3,4],[2,3,1,4],[2,3,4,1]]
loop 6: interleave(1,[4,3,2]) = [[1,4,3,2],[4,1,3,2],[4,3,1,2],[4,3,2,1]]
returns [[1,2,3,4],[2,1,3,4],[2,3,1,4],[2,3,4,1],.....,[4,3,2,1]]

As you can see how elegant🦄 the solution is, it's all about understanding the subproblems. Once you see every problem not as a whole but as a bunch of subproblems, it will be very easy to think recursively.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this article and understood the working of recursive functions. If you really like these kinds of recursive functions, I strongly recommend you to learn a functional programming language(Haskell may be a good place to start from).

Thanks🙏 for reading. Clap👏 if you’ve liked this article. I will write more about recursive functions in my upcoming articles.



Saravanan M
Nerd For Tech

Writes about Functional Programming, Web Development...