Tip of the Day: From “meh” to AAA in Unity

Mohamed Hijazi
Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2021

As with everything in Unity, elevating your mediocre looking game into a very good looking game is always a straight forward action.

Objective: Post Processing Basics

Before you start adding amazing post processing your game you need to make sure that you have it installed(it usually is, but always double check). Go to the “package manager / Packages: In Unity or Unity registry” and make sure Post Processing is installed

Post Processing Installed

After this, there are 3 essential steps you must make.

A. Add a post processing volume to an empty gameObject. Add a “Post Processing Volume” to it. For now check “Is Global” in order to make it work on your whole scene (you have the possibility to make the volume specific to a certain area) and then add a profile.

B. Create a new Layer and call is Post Processing Layer for example and assign it to the post processing volume you have created.

Post Processing Layer

C. On your main camera, add a Post Processing Layer component, assign the trigger to this main camera and choose the Post Processing Layer you have created above.

Now the magic starts. On the Post Processing Volume gameObject you created you can start adding the graphics effects and manipulate them to your liking.

Graphics Effects

A quick look at how these can affect the feel and look your game.

Post Processing On / Off

Later we will take a look into the Universal Render PipeLine and the High Definition Render PipeLine in Unity that are even more powerful than the built-in Post Processing.



Mohamed Hijazi
Nerd For Tech

A knowledge seeking biologist who is following his passion into a full time career in Unity / Game Development. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohamed-hijazi/