Top 15 WordPress Website Development Ideas You Shouldn’t Miss Out In 2021

Emma Jhonson
Nerd For Tech
Published in
7 min readMay 20, 2021
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WordPress is one of the greatest CMSs of the decade, and its unquestionable popularity is ushering this CMS forth in most of the website development endeavors. If you are thinking out loud to create a website, WordPress would be the very first thought in your head.

Besides, there would be a thousand questions looming in your head related to what you can accomplish with WordPress or whatnot. Isn’t that?

Don’t stress yourself; In this article, we would delineate all WordPress website ideas that you can pick up.

Top WordPress Website Ideas To Embrace In 2021

#1. Business Website

The business website is the most familiar WordPress website idea and most of the business (especially small businesses). It is very easy to build a professional business profile website using WordPress, and it comes in handy with cost.

Moreover, as a matter of fact, every year, a WordPress development company in India receives a thousand business website creation leads. Besides, popular and powerful brands are using WordPress to create their business website.


A wide range of themes, effective scalability and enable you to acquire quality traffic with SEO plugins.

#2. ECommerce

Do you think that an eCommerce website can’t be developed on WordPress? Most people think that an ecommerce website developed on WordPress can’t handle heavy traffic, but that’s not true. As WordPress is enhanced and powerful enough to handle a heavy load.

Moreover, It allows you to manage a number of tasks such as payments, inventory, shipping taxes online.

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WordPress is an easy to go solution for an eCommerce solution with amazing plugins like WooCommerrce, and numerous themes to make the shopping experience seamless.

#4. News Portal Of Online Magazine

News Portal/Online magazine is the easiest and simple WordPress website idea if you want to gain revenue by sharing valuable information with people. Using WordPress for a news portal enables you to handle a large running website with thousands of pages.

Moreover, WordPress is suitable to handle huge traffic and manage content on the pages.


Easy to create a website with millions of pages, less need of coding to manage content on pages, and plugins that make page indexing and ranking easier.

#5. Podcasts

Podcasts are thriving as a major trend among businesses today to attract consumers by sharing interesting information in audio format. And! WordPress allows you to create a website with incredible podcasts. The WordPress plugins are dedicated to podcast features and enable you to integrate audio.

Podcasts allow you to acquire more subscribers to your content, gain an email list, and manage downloads.


Simple plugins available to integrate podcast, Voice-enabled indexing and enable you to leverage the power of Voice to boost your website traffic & sales by influencing people.

#6. Blogs

Whether you are thinking about personal blogs, industrial blogs, or newsletters of the specific niche, blogs are top WordPress website ideas, and there are millions of blogging websites run on WordPress today. With time, WordPress blogs have become more mature and seamless.

WordPress allows you to manage your blog quickly and scale the pages with ease. Most importantly, you can show your work to people by leveraging SEO & marketing practices.


Chances of your content to be discovered on the web are high with inbuilt SEO plugins, enabling you to target different niches on the web, a powerful & easy CMS system.

#7. Niche Affiliate Platform

Affiliate store is a rapidly growing WordPress website idea that most young entrepreneurs are adopting to make some extra fortune by referring users to other platforms. WordPress is the best tool for making an affiliate marketing platform as there is a wide range of tools you can leverage to start a business.

Moreover, you can also develop an Amazon-affiliate store that enables you to sell your product on

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WordPress enables easy integration of other platforms and features like Payment gateway, commission distribution feature, and more.

#8. Knowledge Base/ Wiki Site

If you are striving to add a knowledge-base document section to your website, then WordPress is the perfect CMS. Creating knowledge-based and wiki-like sites is one of the oldest WordPress website ideas. ‘

WordPress enables you to create Wiki-like websites in different ways, like using themes or using a dedicated WordPress wiki plugin or custom code snippets. In short, you can design a highly scalable and faster loading knowledge-base website with WordPress.


Achieve higher scalability among pages, easy to manage content on-page, access to a wide range of themes.

#9. Auction Store

Auction store is one of the most popular WordPress website ideas in 2021 due to more options for earning money through the platform. With WordPress, creating a fully functional auction website is easy and cost-effective. And! If you understand working on WordPress and know a bit of coding with PHP, you can develop it on your own.

Now users are eager to leverage a platform like eBay and bid online to buy/sell products online.

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WordPress allows easy integration of Payment gateways, a safe money transfer system, and higher security with scalability.

#10. Online Forums & Communities

Online Forums & communities are one of the most sought after WordPress development services, as it enables businesses to create forums & communities for the interaction of people. These communities can be developed for different purposes, such as getting reviews on books, TV shows, films, companies, or products.

Moreover, you can develop a community site to discuss the topics of public interest.


Create a form with numerous plugins & extensions, integrate registration forms with easy, render online events.

#11. Question & Answer Platform

Every second, millions of queries rise on the internet, and most of them include questions related to different aspects. Creating a website that answers the everyday queries of people all over the world is getting hype.

If you are thinking of creating a platform like Yahoo Answers or Quora, then you must consider WordPress web development. It enables you to combine multitudes of tools, communities, plugins, and themes.

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Create seamless UI experience for users; simple page indexing with SEO plugins & page ranking can handle huge everyday traffic.

#12. Business Directory

Business directories have great demand over the web, and thus it is in our list of top WordPress website ideas. You can use some really good, user-friendly WordPress business directory plugins that enable you to secure seamless, easy-to-manage directories at a low budget.

Besides, you can access a variety of free tools that help you improve ranking, website outreach, and user experience.


WordPress allows you to achieve higher website scalability, ease in website development & access to multitudes of plugins.

#13. Job Board Platform

Job Boards is a popular WordPress website idea in 2021, as a number of users online looking for reliable sources of job opportunities. WordPress bestows you the opportunity to use a variety of plugins that can enlist a number of contents information on a single page, such as jobs or business information.

You can leverage those plugins to show your excellence in catering job data to people and make the hiring process seamless for them.

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Access a variety of extensions to integrate features like company reviews, employee feedback, and avail feature for paid services.

#14. Portfolio Website

Whether you are a writer, photographer, artist, or doctor, creating a portfolio on the web can help you acquire a number of opportunities. That’s the reason creating a portfolio is the top WordPress website idea of the decade.

The enormous range of plugins and themes makes portfolio development handy, and you can also develop it on your own by little understanding of WordPress CMS.


Increase your outreach and seek popularity in the genre and easy portfolio website development at almost no prices.

#15. Image & Photo Sharing Website

These days photography and graphics are one of the most admired aspects on the internet. From photos of landscapes to fantasy graphics, there is a great demand for paid and free images. Thus, an image & photography website is on our list of WordPress website ideas.

With WordPress, you can easily get such a website developed and earn by uploading a variety of graphics and scenic pictures. Besides, you can also encourage users to upload such content on your site. Pinterest is the most popular example of this niche.

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Tap into a new business, easily cater display content for free and price to people, and manage huge data with ease through seamless CMS.

Wrapping UP

These are the most sought-after WordPress website ideas of 2021 that most of the startup enthusiasts and entrepreneurs are considering best to make a fortune by making small efforts. If you have any business ideas, then hire WordPress developers now.

This platform opens a floodgate of opportunity with a very small solution development cost and allows you to leverage a large business community that works on the ethic of sharing & caring.

Meanwhile, let me know which website idea you like the most? Write in the comment section, and if you want to add an idea to the list, suggestions are always welcome.



Emma Jhonson
Nerd For Tech

I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at