TRC20 Token Development- How to create TRC20 tokens for your startup?

Nerd For Tech
Published in
8 min readSep 13, 2023
TRC20 token development
TRC20 token development

The TRON blockchain has been revolutionizing the crypto space with the motive of decentralization. Many decentralized applications (DApps) are now planted in TRON for their faster transactions and better performance. In this revolutionary move, Tron token standards: TRC10, TRC20, and TRC21 played lead roles. Especially, the TRC20 (utility) token standard meets the startup needs with efficient transaction execution. Hence, many startups and entrepreneurs choose TRC20 token development.

Being a utility token, TRC20 tokens serve many crypto businesses and DeFi protocols. Characteristics-wise, they are more or similar to Ethereum’s ERC20 tokens. However, this utility token has better scalability and higher processing speed making it compatible for diverse use cases. As a result, the grace of ERC20 now falls on the TRC20 token standard. So if you are looking to create TRC20 tokens, then you should have extensive knowledge about this utility token.

So in this blog, we will explore how to create TRC20 tokens fit for diverse use cases. Also, we will look at the benefits and features of TRC20 token development. Before delving deeper, let us begin with the basics…

What is TRC20 Token Development?

TRC20 Token Development is the process of creating TRC20 tokens efficiently on a Tron blockchain. TRC20 tokens are fungible tokens and are mainly functioning as utility tokens. With proper programming of smart contracts, you can make this token fit for different applications. Like, you can use them for staking, crowdfunding, loyalty, and reward programs. By contributing more to DApps, this token confirms the TRON’s slang “Decentralize the Web”.

The TRON network architecture is robust like the Ethereum blockchain. Also, it supports Delegated Proof of Stake algorithms. For these reasons, you can expect high-speed and cost-efficient operation from Tron tokens. Further, you won’t face any challenges in token issuance and use this token in decentralized wallets. These remarkable qualities make them perfect business ideas for startups and crypto investors.

So after knowing the significance of the TRC20 token, you might be interested in TRC20 Token Development. In this regard, the following section will help you

How to Create a TRC20 Token?

A smart contract is an automated software program that enables token function when the required conditions are met. Hence smart contract programming becomes a crucial part of crypto token development. Accordingly, when you create a TRC20 token integrated with a smart contract using a relevant technology stack, you can obtain better outcomes from this token. However, this needs the deeper technical expertise of professional developers. Hence, getting assistance from a renowned crypto token development company must be an ideal option.

Because a reputed TRC20 token development company follows a series of procedures to ensure better results in all stages of token development. Let me guide you through the procedure.

Idea Gathering

Idea gathering is the primary step of token development. In this stage, the professionals from the token creation company will gather your business ideas and requirements. Then they will outline the tools and technology stack needed to create TRC20 tokens. That includes blockchain selection and regulatory compliance.

Smart Contract Coding

Based on the business requirements, the team of developers writes the smart contracts. The smart contract program includes token functionality and required features. Along with this, developers configure token details like token name, initial supply, and symbol of the token in smart contract programming.

Token Development

The TRC20 token development will be completed in this stage with the required functionalities. Also, the smart contract is configured with token features like minting, burning, etc., with expert supervision.

Multiple Testing

The multi-stage testing on the TRC20 token keeps away the vulnerabilities and security flaws. The developers will do multiple testing on smart contracts to reach bug-free working. Also, they ensure the token meets the regulatory norms.

Token Deployment

After completing the testing procedure, the TRC20 token will be deployed to the Tron blockchain. Now the TRC20 token can be used for transactions, staking, governance, and DApps within the TRON ecosystem.

This top-class token development procedure ensures a flaw-free performance in TRC20 tokens. Further, it helps you take the business to the level with attractive features. Curious to know those appealing features? Let us explore the…

Features of the TRC20 Token

Generally, token features are the pivotal component that represents the power of blockchain networks. Similarly, creating TRC20 tokens with features powered by the TRON blockchain will create huge demand in the crypto space. In the matter of fact, this utility token will reveal potential benefits to the token owner. So know the appealing features of TRC20 tokens and make use of them efficiently to reap incredible business benefits. The features are,


TRC20 token standards are powered by the decentralized TRON blockchain network. The Interoperability of this blockchain allows TRC20 tokens to interact with other tokens. Also, these tokens can interact with Dapps and other smart contracts on the same blockchain. This may help you open up new business opportunities with global partners to achieve a better market position.

Furthermore, this compatibility feature helps developers to find TRC20 token-compatible applications. As a result, the token will have new use cases and gain a growing user base. So integrating TRC20 tokens with business will be a perfect profit-making strategy.


TRC20 tokens are almost similar to ERC20 tokens, as both are fungible tokens. Therefore, the applications that support ERC20 are also suited for TRC20 tokens. Further, this token can handle up to 2,000 transactions per second. And, it comes with the possibility of exchanging with tokens the same in type and value. Therefore, you can use this token for diverse business applications. The flexibility feature will make this TRC20 token fit for numerous use cases.

Smart Contract Support

As you know, TRC20 tokens are created and managed in the decentralized blockchain- TRON. Therefore, there is no third-party involvement. Here, a smart contract directly manages the token functionalities. That includes checking the token balance, monitoring and approving token transfers, and many more. TRC20 token development ensures the proper programming of smart contracts. Hence, this utility token performance will be good enough to regain capital investment through business opportunities.


TRC20 token standards are secured by TRON’s blockchain technology and a cryptographic layer of security. Each TRC20 token transaction is recorded in TRON’s immutable ledger network. The Delegated Proof of Stake algorithm further strengthens the security as well. In addition, each token transaction is validated through the smart contracts’ security monitoring process. Hence, you do not worry about the risk of malicious activities.

With these remarkable features, the TRC20 token will help you climb a better business position. Also, it can help you survive in the competitive crypto industry. Want to know more, get insights to create TRC20 tokens with the…

Benefits of TRC20 Token Development

Each crypto token offers its unique set of benefits to the businesses it is associated with. Accordingly, creating a TRC20 token offers you a bunch of benefits. They are,

Global Accessibility

The easy and cost-efficient usage of the TRC20 token draws the attention of global investors. Hence, they are high in demand in crypto businesses spread across the globe. In addition to that, the TRON blockchain has an active community of users and developers. This further increases the universal reach for Tron tokens.

When it comes to accessibility, numerous exchanges around the globe accept TRC20 tokens. So this utility token will be accessed and traded in numerous countries. This will create a demand for them in the crypto space. And, you can make huge profits with TRC20 token development.

Top Class Functionality

As stated earlier, smart contracts manage the functionalities of TRC20 tokens. Since smart contracts are self-executing protocols, they execute token transactions when required conditions are met. So you can expect top-class performance from TRC20 tokens. Furthermore, these tokens can easily connect with various applications and platforms on the TRON network. So you can allow the user to interact with DEXs, wallets, and Dapps functioning on the TRON blockchain easily.

Speed and Usability

Generally, the TRON blockchain offers higher throughput and faster transaction speeds. This is because of the smart contract that validates TRC20 token transactions quickly. Besides, you can customize the token supply, divisibility, and flexibility in TRC20 token development to enhance the token usability for specific use cases. Some of the applications of TRC20 tokens are rewards and loyalty programs, crowdfunding, gaming resources, tokenized assets, and more.

Higher Liquidity and Customization

As stated earlier, TRC20 tokens are easily listed on the world’s top crypto exchanges. Here these tokens are combined with its best trading pairs for direct trading. Due to interoperability, direct trading with the right trading pair is an added advantage to the token holder. Because it not only increases the token values. But also provides more liquidity to the network. Hence, you can use these tokens for diverse use cases.

Furthermore, you can get a considerable level of flexibility in this TRC20 token. As a token issuer, you have more freedom to customize token attributes such as token name, symbol, and token supply. You can also rebrand the token to specific business needs.

These are the business benefits you can expect from the TRC20 token standard. After knowing these business benefits, you might be interested in TRC20 token development. However, the cost of token development could be the deal breaker here. In this regard, let us explore…

How Much Does it Cost to Create a TRC20 Token?

As a startup, you may wish to create TRC20 tokens at an affordable cost. Generally, the TRC20 Token Development cost depends upon certain factors. That includes the blockchain you have chosen, the characteristics of the token, the complexity of the token, the requirements for developers, and many more.

In addition, you might develop a TRC20 token for various needs. You can use it for crowdfunding, trading for payment services, and many more. For each purpose, the token functionality will defer. Also, depending on the token features, the development cost will vary. So, keeping all those things into account, the approximate cost to create TRC20 token would start from $8,000.

This is the price you can get from a reputed crypto token development company because they will offer you complete support from idea gathering to deploying the TRC20 token. Also, you can get their professional assistance to meet real-time challenges.

Closing Thoughts…

TRC20 tokens are bound with amazing feature sets and offer numerous benefits to token holders. Apart from cryptocurrency and financial enterprises, this token fits well with various industries like gaming, supply chain, entertainment, and many others that need innovative upgrades. So if your proposed business model matches the TRC20 token’s characteristics, there is nothing you should think of. TRC20 token development ensures speed and efficiency in token transactions to meet enterprise business needs completely.

However, make sure you have chosen the right crypto token development company. Because it is the basic thing to make your business in a way you are dreaming of. So connect with a well-known TRC20 token development company to fulfill the business goals with the futuristic TRC20 token standard.



Nerd For Tech

Passionate crypto enthusiast exploring the fascinating world of blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize the financial industry.